7 02, 2022

Permanent Modular Construction vs. Relocatable Buildings

A photo of the torsos of three people, two wearing working overalls and dark blue shirts and a third in a button-up dress shirt holding a folder and pen. They stand facing each other as though discussing something.

At Aries, we understand the importance of patience and perseverance. However, we also understand that instant solutions can be the difference between success and failure in some things. That’s why we specialize in turn-key solutions to get our clients’ most significant projects rolling towards success. Within our model, we focus on two types of construction: permanent and temporary.

A red and white graphic sign with the word “later” crossed out and “now” written underneath in red.

Permanent Modular Construction vs. Relocatable Buildings:

The Commonalities:

Both permanent and temporary solutions are prefabricated in factories, leading to higher quality, efficiency, and predictability than traditional construction. Again, both permanent and temporary solutions feature modern, custom designs that include fixtures, ramps, doors, and interior finishes. Clients can separate or expand rooms and add sliding doors, glass barriers, screens, projectors, and amenities.

The process is very similar for both, with a dedicated one-on-one professional accompanying clients from concept to delivery. So, what is the difference between the two modular building innovations?


When considering a permanent versus non-permanent modular construction, clients should consider the different financial options available with each. Mainly, relocatable buildings give leasing options, offering clients an added layer of flexibility. Also, the materials, preparation, and foundations needed for permanent buildings usually come with added costs, although these typically remain below traditional construction costs. Finally, the depreciation schedule on each type of building can vary, making a difference in reporting company finances.


Each type of modular building offers flexibility in different areas. Of course, relocatable buildings allow companies the flexibility to use the space as temporary swing space or as an office that moves from Jobsite to Jobsite. Classrooms, construction offices, and storage containers can usually benefit from this characteristic.

However, permanent buildings allow clients to expand existing buildings with new modular components seamlessly. While they can be connected structurally to main buildings, Relocatable buildings usually cannot seamlessly interact with a pre-existing structure in the way permanent buildings can.

Set-up time:

Clients looking for instant solutions can sometimes find themselves in a time scramble. The turn-key solution can be set up and ready to go in as little as 24 hours with relocatable buildings. This can guide their choice between permanent versus temporary modular buildings.

Compared to the blistering timeline of relocatable buildings, permanent buildings can take up to 4 weeks to complete. It’s worth mentioning that the permanent modular building set-up schedule still crushes all traditional competition. The time savings are produced by the assembly line nature of the construction because the foundation and building can both be worked on simultaneously.

The Aries’ formula:

As a big company, with a small company feel, you can rest assured that you will get a human voice when you call our lines. Our process takes clients through a customized process from start to finish that guarantees our clients will find the right solution just for them. We are the trusted modular building provider for North America!

A blue orb graphic with the repeating word “customer” written inside wears large over-the-ear headphones.

About Aries

Aries is renowned in every kind of commercial modular space solution and provides an array of financing options for even the most demanding projects. Privately-owned, Aries is based in Houston, Texas, with a network in North America that provides modular spaces for government, construction, commercial, medical, oil/gas, and education projects.

As a company, Aries values excellent service and continuously promotes a philosophy of achieving together by learning from our clients, resulting in mutually rewarding results and outcomes.

Don’t miss out on becoming a customer! Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-8869. You can also contact us via our website!

Permanent Modular Construction vs. Relocatable Buildings2022-03-10T22:43:57+00:00
4 02, 2022

I LOVE MY JOB: The Best Places to Work Often Have the Best Bottom Line

A photo of a “Daily News” newspaper laying on a wooden desk with the headline saying, “BEST JOB EVER!!!” and a red Aries’ ram logo behind the exclamation points.

If you’ve ever had a sales job before, I’m sure you have heard of the familiar saying that “the customer is always right.” As nice as that sounds, it is not always true. Successful companies are realizing that they need to put their employees at the top of their priorities too. And most importantly, be one of the best places to work. Having happy employees equates having happy customers, resulting in a successful company.

In order to put this claim into context, a study was conducted to provide causal field evidence for this very relationship. The finding was that happy employees benefit the company.  This study, led by Professor Andrew Oswald, Dr. Eugenio Proto, and Dr. Daniel Sgroi, found that happy employees are 12% more productive while unhappy employees are 10% less productive. According to Dr. Sgroi, happy workers work more efficiently and at an increasing pace while also maintaining quality.

Dr. Andrew Oswald has claimed that successful companies have the best places to work. For instance, Google have increased their employee satisfaction by 37% by investing in employee support and satisfaction which in turn produced happier workers. Google does this by providing more than just pay and benefit packages. Financial stability and job security matters, but so does engagement, growth, sense of value, and purpose.

A photo of a well-spirited group of 7 employees doing a team huddle inside a well-lit office room with brick walls and large windows.

Some argue that happier workers make better leaders.

The founder of Woohoo Inc., Alexander Kjerulf, claimed that, in his own experience, happy workers make better decisions, manage their time excellently, and possess crucial leadership skills.

Another study that proves the importance of happy workers is “The Science of Happiness at Work” by iOpener Institute. The surveyors found that happy employees stay with their companies four times longer and devote twice as much time to their tasks compared to unhappy employees. Also, according to the report, happy employees are 65% more energetic than unhappy ones.

Happy employees make happy customers.

It’s as simple as that and there are plenty of statistics and facts to back this up. Gallup’s “The State of the American Workplace” indicates that how engaged employees are results in better customer relationships, increasing sales by 20%.

Chick-fil-A is one of the most dominant and top fast food chains. The company generates more revenue per restaurant than any other fast food chain in the United States, and even 3 times as much as KFC. What is their secret? Beyond their excellent food, many analysts believe it is their excellent customer service that makes them stand out from other fast food places. Chick-fil-A does this by investing in its employees, keeping them happy, and, above all, being one of the best places to work in.

Your workplace is responsible for creating a setting and culture ideal for achieving happiness at work. But in the end, your happiness at work solely depends on you and you alone. Therefore, it is important to find a workplace that will certainly invest in the wellbeing of its employees and create an ideal work environment in which employees can grow and be appreciated.

A collage of five pictures and the Aries’ logo. It is divided into two rows of three. Between the two rows is the statement, “Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to others.” The top left has the red ram logo with “Aries” written below. The next picture is of three Aries employees smiling for the camera. The top right picture is of a jack-o’-lantern with “Aries” carved into it and glowing brightly. On the bottom row, the first picture is of an employee relaxing next to a firepit reading a book. The middle picture is of a group of seven Aries’ employees squeezing in for a group photo. The final picture shows two portable buildings with sunset behind them. In the foreground, there is a person warming themselves by a firepit. To the right of the firepit is a basketball hoop awaiting the next day’s pickup game.

Katie Roman, the Senior Vice President of Aries, proudly said this about working at Aries,

“I must admit, sometimes I wake up excited. Literally excited. I’m working a job that I enjoy with people I like spending time with, and a company that brings space solutions to the world. Our mission solves problems and brings people peace of mind. How can I not love my job?!”

Casey Hobbs, Aries’ business development representative stated, “What sets Aries apart is the leadership, employee experience, customer service, and quality product. You are never just a number at Aries, you are a part of a team and that includes our customers.”

We are blessed to have world-class managers on our team who know how to bring out the full potential of their employees. We have had incredible success and growth as a company, which is a direct result of the company’s family atmosphere.

If you are looking for the best places to work, join our fantastic team at Aries Buildings and see what you are truly capable of! Please take our career quiz today to see where you fit in.

It’s not just a job; it’s a second home.

About Aries: 

Aries Building Systems specializes in commercial modular space solutions and provides an array of financing options for the most demanding kinds of projects. Privately-owned, Aries is based in Houston, Texas, with a network in North America that provides modular spaces. These includes the government, construction, commercial, medical, oil/gas, and education projects.

Aries believes in exceeding our customers’ expectations by providing innovative solutions to their unique construction needs. Our team of experts guides customers through every step of the process. From design, manufacturing, delivery, on-site construction, staffing, and finance. With the revolutionary capabilities of modular construction, we can provide our customers with the best possible solution for their situation.

Let us solve your modular space needs today! Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com, or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-8869. You can also contact us via our website or request a quote here.

I LOVE MY JOB: The Best Places to Work Often Have the Best Bottom Line2024-05-02T09:20:35+00:00
5 01, 2022

Why the Benefits of Prefabricated Construction Outweigh Traditional Building

A photograph collage of 6 pictures of modular buildings being installed or on campuses with other modular buildings and the burgundy ram and Aries logo placed on the right center.

If you drive down any road in a populated area, you are very likely to encounter a construction site. New buildings and developments are constantly in the works nowadays. The scene is always the same. People in highly visible hard hats maneuver equally brightly colored machinery and stir up a lot of dust and debris. Even more familiar is their seemingly perpetual presence. All of this is what comes with traditional construction. But, like most things, the construction industry is advancing, and it is turning to the many benefits of prefabricated construction more than ever.

A modern modular home comprised of three separate components with all glass window front sides facing an in ground pool reflecting the light inside the home.

What does this mean? Instead of assembling a building on-site, everything is done in a factory. Another term for this is modular construction. Modules are built off-site instead of taking the raw materials to the building location. The finished modules are then shipped off to their intended destination and assembled upon a foundation. Essentially, the construction industry is turning to portable buildings.

Construction workers in brightly colored vests and hard hats working in front of an unfinished building.

At first glance, prefabricated construction may seem difficult and unnecessary. In reality, the benefits of prefabricated construction are outstanding. Let’s think back to that image of a never-ending building site causing traffic lane closures and generating annoyance among those who live nearby. The primary benefit of modular construction comes from saving time. Traditional construction always has delays, but modular buildings are designed far in advance. Additionally, the actual construction of the building can occur concurrently with the preparation of the site. Leveling of foundation, plumbing, and completion of rooms, floors, and walls are all done simultaneously. Contractors will therefore have a faster return on their investments.

Improved safety for workers.

All construction is inside a controlled environment without the threat of high winds or torrential rain, ice, or snow. Workers do not contend with precarious heights since assembly is done mainly with cranes.

An image of a tree inside a fractured glass sphere.

One of the more exciting aspects of prefabricated construction is its sustainability. The construction industry wastes tons of raw material each year. Almost 30% of all material at a construction site can end up as waste. Modular construction eliminates that problem by sharing discarded material with other project constructions within the same factory. Moreover, modular designs are moving towards incorporating more recycled and sustainable materials. One of the best advantages of modular is reduction of energy consumption and emissions. Despite having to transport a building’s modules to its location, prefabricated construction consolidates the process. The building industry inefficiently transports labor, equipment, and materials using traditional methods over many days and months. Thanks to the decreased time required to finish a building, it requires less energy.

Finally, the most important thing to impart is that modular construction is safe construction. Prefabricated does not mean the quality of the building decreases. A prefabricated building last and withstand its environment. Its resiliency makes it possible to disassemble, relocate, as well as reuse again.

The modern building is possible with prefabricated construction, and modular building providers continue improving designs and efficiency.

Aries Buildings

Aries is the commercial design, manufacture, transportation, construction, and financing partner you need to make every project a success. We specialize in supplying full turnkey man camps, remote workforce housing, and commercial modular buildings to a wide range of industries and applications across the United States and Canada. We believe there’s nothing more important than consistent delivery of exceptional service, dependability, and innovation. Aries promotes our philosophy of achieving together by learning from our clients, ensuring the development of mutually rewarding results and outcomes. Become a customer today!

Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com, or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-6689.

Follow Aries on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ariesbuildings/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aries-building-systems-llc/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AriesBuildings

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMavnAtQqAv8W6Aw-mMXelg/videos

Why the Benefits of Prefabricated Construction Outweigh Traditional Building2024-10-17T00:01:03+00:00
5 01, 2022

Multi-use Modular: Rethinking Uses for Modular Buildings

White, modular futuristic building with blue sky and clouds in the background.

When someone mentions modular buildings, do images of long, skinny breadbox-shaped trailers pop up into your mind? Ddoes it evoke a dystopian future of trailers stacked a mile high like in the sci-fi book Ready Player One? Join us on this brief journey allowing us to dispel those notions and bring you into the here and now with examples of multi-use modular building along with their equally evocative appearances throughout the world.

From the popular, economically driven tiny house movement to the pandemic-driven necessity for temporary medical facility expansions as well as extra buildings on countless educational campuses, off-site buildings, which are also known as modular construction, have become a growing choice for many reasons that include lower labor and material costs as well as eco-friendly and quality control practices. However, modular building is considered and chosen for far more reasons than these. Architects are finding ways to incorporate modular into their flexible living designs as well as work solutions.

Corner view of the balconies on a tall, modern, white modular building in Alberobello, Puglia, Italy, a blue sky with a few clouds is in the background.

Flexible designs often account for when you cannot build out, you can build up.

Infill development has become a necessity in many congested cities, such as Brooklyn, which have demographics accounting for residents with limited-incomes, like college students or lower-income families, or need to house much needed industrial workers. Multi-use modular constructions has made it possible to build student housing, pre-fab apartments, and condos within already crowded urban areas.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, architects have embraced modular construction for luxury homes. Potential homeowners can work with the architect to take prefab components and, like LegoTM blocks, assemble their ideal home. The configurations are endless and the end-results are stunning. Pick up a Dwell magazine and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find contemporary modern luxury modular homes being showcased alongside traditional homes.

Builders are not just using modular for living spaces as we mentioned before. Medical centers, schools, and temporary offices have long considered and utilized modular solutions. Increasingly, off-site building has shown-up in a myriad of innovative projects.

Eco-friendly, engineered new facility for a designer watchmaker. AUDEMARS PIGUET

Nestled in a scenic village in Switzerland, an award-winning designer watchmaker found the perfect place to grow during its business boom. The designer turned towards the modular building to expand the facilities, opting for a modern aesthetic that matched the creative designs of their watches. On the other hand, provide a more fluid work environment to support the design teams.

Nearby in Germany, the city of Munich utilized modular buildings to create a temporary space to display their classical music performances while their old building was under renovation. During the design process of the new concert hall, the acoustics was as important as everything else. In other words, the prefabricated buildings can fulfill their specialized function as much as their form.

Interior shot of modular concert hall with aisles and rows and tiers of seats in the balconies. Credit HGEsch/gmp Architekten

In the realm of hospitality, sustainable tourism has entered the modular scene.

When you want to minimize the environmental impact from construction, modular building is an obvious choice. A boutique hotel and restaurant in the Yucatán appeals to the eco-conscious tourist who desires to explore its many cenotes and living fossils.

In another boutique hotel in Slovakia, a tourist can enjoy the snow and mountains in modular cabins strategically placed between the trees to allow for a more immersive experience. These cubicular cabins offer glass-filled walls to further optimize the surrounding views.

Three glowing triangular structures with triangular windows floating on the water, their images reflect in the water next to a boardwalk leading to them. Profiles of city buildings are in the background across the water.

In China, a modular floating system was chosen to align with the region’s ancient water history while adding a contemporary element.

China uses these modular buildings as an exhibition space, information center, and an open-air concert hall. Adaptable in use, these prefabricated triangular buildings are not only unique in their presentation but inventive in their application for nature-based solutions, like water-laden landscapes. Designed to address urbanization and environmental factors, the prefabricated structures are used as schools in developing regions around the world.

Five rectangular, modern-designed, prefabricated floating houses on a body of water, with trees, a blue sky, and clouds above. A sailboat floats in front on the left side and birds are flying near the water on the right.

Peek into the future with this concept for water dwellings that also attempt to juxtapose form and function alongside environmental elements. This designer and the aforementioned modular projects have been dynamic in their designs and applications. Progressively, economic and environmental circumstances are being factored into development and modular buildings are keeping pace with what modular could be and can offer.

We have pulled you from the past of trailer parks into the present of creative modular buildings. Off-site building continues to be a solution as mentioned before for shifting demographics, inner city building, and challenging landscapes. Push past the limitations of our former years and let us evoke and inspire. The evolution of modular building in 2022 is full of endless possibilities!

Aries’ Insta Space offers the gold standard in viable, flexible, stylish, and efficient workspace. In order to meet your every need with unlimited customizations. With this “flex space,” the sky’s the limit when it comes to resizing a modular office building or increasing your school campus with new swing space, administrative offices, or safe, spacious, multiplex portable classrooms. There is a great feeling that comes with knowing you are keeping your footprint small by investing in reusable construction. Modular building is green building!

At Aries, we have all you need. Customizable floor plans and a wider array of options make your next modular building from Aries the solution to your space needs. Call in and let us know what you need today!

About Aries

Aries provides prefabricated office buildings, construction trailers, portable school classrooms, mobile hospitals, workforce housing at oil pipeline sites, storage containers, and spaces for disaster recovery relief, but we’d love to help you acquire your modular building for any purpose at all! We offer full turnkey solutions with exceptional customer service and robust financing options. We pride ourselves on combining product quality, design expertise, technical and financial innovation, and strategy.

Become a customer today! Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com, or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-6689. You can also contact us via our website, or request a quote here.

Multi-use Modular: Rethinking Uses for Modular Buildings2024-10-16T16:24:35+00:00
10 12, 2021

The Best Modular Building Stories of 2021 (or at least remarkably interesting…)

An inspiring “half-real-half-3D-rendered” image of a vacant highway road at sunset, leading into silhouetted mountains on the horizon, twisting left out of our view. In the foreground is 3 stencils painted onto the pavement: 2020, 2021, and 2022. The “2020” is barely detectible, the “2021” is bright white, and the “2022” just ahead is coming into focus.

Just when we think modular building is settling into multi-family units and the hospitality industry, adversity challenges that assumption and exposes us to another opportunity for growth. Here are ten of the best stories about the best modular buildings that redefine the concept of Modular construction.

A close-up of café latte in a black coffee mug with a plant designed swirl in the foam.
  1. Starbucks builds energy-efficient, modular store in 6 days (Construction Dive)

Bringing coffee to the masses fast while also lowering their carbon footprint, it makes sense why Starbucks chose modular building for their new drive thru location. In this article from Construction Dive, read about the other restaurants embracing modular and the reasons why.

  1. Four ‘zero-energy’ modular homes coming to Bennington Park (Bennington Banner)

Emergency situations such as after hurricanes, affordable housing rejuvenation, and merging zero-energy initiatives all point to a modular solution. A project in Vermont is replacing four older homes in a mobile park. Bennington Banner gives an account of why this was necessary and what the new modular homes mean to the community.

  1. Modular construction works for luxury homes, too (The Real Deal)

Modular homes have arrived in the world of luxury and for good reason. Between quality, expediency, and cost, modular has enticed some of the world’s richest people. Read this article from The Real Deal to find out who thinks modular is worth investing in.

  1. 6 advantages of eco-friendly modular buildings you should know (Emagazine)

Here are the top six reasons why modular building is more eco-friendly than conventional building. For the workforce, community, investors, and the environment, modular contributes to the efficiency of construction and installation, improves labor conditions, while delivering quality products, reduced waste, and lower emissions. Read the full details in this article from Emagazine about why modular is a trend that is only growing.

A blonde doctor in a white lab coat holding a red stethoscope to a child’s chest during an examination. The child is wearing a blue and white striped shirt.
  1. Industry voices — why should healthcare embrace modular construction? (Fierce Healthcare)

If ever you needed a veritable checklist on what to ask before selecting modular buildings for your project, this is the article for you from Fierce Healthcare, especially if you are a medical facility with an abridged timeline. With healthcare construction in demand due to current conditions, is it worth shifting to a modern construction mindset and consider modular building?

  1. Modular construction meets changing needs in the pandemic (The New York Times)

Developers have pivoted from building hotels to providing coronavirus testing centers and other medical buildings. This article from the New York Times, for instance, addresses the health concerns of businesses and educational facilities around the world. It explores why modular is a good fit, meeting the needs with pandemic-related solutions, construction costs, and time saved.

  1. The industry around the world (Modular Building Institute)

With industry insight into the rise of modular construction worldwide, Modular Building Institute takes us on a tour around the world. Starting in South Africa then on to China, Mexico, Spain, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, each stop gives historical context and the various modular solutions utilized within that region. Is modular a thoughtful consideration for the United States? Find out here.

  1. Forget everything you know, modular will be worth it(Forbes)

What are the comparisons between traditional builds versus modular designs? Delving into planning, time, and finances, Forbes outlines key differences and why modular is fast becoming a popular and sensible choice. But what will it take? Read this article to find out.

  1. Aries 2021 momentum: Precision Structures & Jobsite Mobile Offices acquisitions (Aries Buildings)

Two new acquisitions elevate Aries, a top-notch modular building provider, to new heights of success. Always attuned to the community’s needs, Aries expanded its offering of portable classrooms as well as mobile offices by adding Precision Structures and Jobsite Mobile Offices, respectively. Learn more about Aries’ acquisitions in this article.

  1. Aries welcomes new modular industry pros to our team (Aries Buildings)

With recent acquisitions, such as Precision Structures, Aries expanded its pool of talented and knowledgeable experts. These team additions will support the rapid growth of an industry leader as well as its diversified clients. Find out who joined the team here.

A collage of pictures encompassing everything about Aries employees and locations. In the middle is a banner with Aries’ logo of the red ram head and next to it is the word “Aries” written in black.

Modular has fast outgrown its definition of what modular is as these ten stories have illustrated. For instance, Aries, who is continually challenging what our idea of what modular should be. Anticipating and heeding the customers’ needs, Aries is a herald for modular solutions.

More about Aries

Aries, a privately-owned company located in Houston, Texas, is a leading provider of commercial modular space solutions. We offer multiple financing options with a track record of delivering results on both large and small projects. Aries has a diverse network of modular space solutions in North America for the medical, education, construction, as well as commercial sectors. Aries have buildings for immediate delivery to serve the educational and healthcare sectors, as well as any short- or long-term residential needs.

Here at Aries, we take tremendous pride in having an exceptional team of engineers, manufacturing professionals, facility managers, and sales representatives. To establish a strong partnership with our clients, our management team stays involved in every phase of the process. We are committed to delivering excellent and consistent service and achieving mutually beneficial results by learning from our clients.

Be our customer today!

Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-8869. You can also contact us here or request a quote here.

The Best Modular Building Stories of 2021 (or at least remarkably interesting…)2024-05-02T09:19:14+00:00
5 12, 2021

Aries Naughty & Nice List: Modular Buildings

A clever view of the unmistakable Santa Claus, as he’s holding up a scroll of brown parchment paper blocking his face, with Aries’ logo prominently branded across his “naughty and nice” modular building list.

Paired with the sleigh bells and the Christmas carols, comes the “Naughty and Nice List.” At Aries, we work hard all year to be on our customers’ good side as the best modular building company. That means doing the best job in modular, bar none. We have the best modular construction and the highest quality modular buildings on the market, and that’s just the way we like it.

What does it take to be on the “Nice List” as the best in modular? Here’s a “Naughty and Nice List” of the best and worst practices in the modular industry.

“Naughty List”:

A large “no” sign in neat lavender letters painted on what looks to be an asphalt surface.

Relying on the attractiveness of the product while neglecting service and company culture.

Modular solves many of the world’s most pressing problems. There’s wide consensus that modular is gaining strength and is poised to change the construction industry. As an environmentally friendly way to supply affordable housing, many cities see hope in modular building progress.

Yet, as the modular B2 in Atlantic Yards Brooklyn proves, having a great product is only half the battle. The B2 Tower was “delayed, stalled, and since re-started to reach half its ultimate height—[and] will take more than twice as long as promised and cost far more than projected.” While more than just managerial conflicts caused this unimpressive result, better team cohesion across all the moving parts of this project could have helped foresee and prevent many of the obstacles.

The lesson? Creating a strong, experienced group of workers to back up the product can ensure the success of modular buildings. And the B2 project? Despite its innumerable setbacks, it was still done in less time and more affordably than traditional construction.

Relying on modular’s simplicity while ignoring the potential variables.

Prefabricated modular construction skirts many of the major risks involved with traditional construction, from weather delays to job-site accidents and low worker productivity. Yet inexperienced modular workers often fail to consider all the factors that go into a successful set-up for modular buildings. This false sense of comfort can work against them when the rubber hits the road. Proper preparation prevents setbacks. Consequently, all it takes is attentiveness to the client for facilitators to understand what they’ll need for a proper set-up.

The lesson? The best modular building companies listen intently to their clients. From finding job sites that haven’t been assigned an address, to robotic pullers which can place modular buildings where trucks can’t reach, every job comes with its own set of complications. Those who do the best job in modular know that listening can prevent these problems from becoming obstacles to final delivery.

Getting caught in the old-fashioned idea that modular means one-size-fits-all.

Times are changing. From digitalization to new manufacturing methods, clients can expect more than ever from their modular buildings. For instance, Classrooms with sliding doors, modules with extra security features, and office complexes with technological interfaces have all become standard practice for the best modular building companies. They supply turnkey solutions that give the client peace of mind. When they sign the contract, they get a hassle-free solution to their most pressing needs.

A prime example of this is the hazard resistant modular buildings which are created to withstand explosions, debris, as wells as heat at high-risk facilities. These awesome structures utilize concrete instead of steel to give their building the required characteristics, without betraying their modular nature and the associated benefits. That flexibility is the future of modular.

The lesson? Great modular construction companies understand that they should tackle the customization mountain, rather than depend on a one-size-fits-all approach. Despite the relative ease of modular construction, companies should focus on providing turnkey solutions. That is to say that the building’s stairs, plumbing, accessories, as well as licenses are complete for the client.

The “Nice List”: Best Job in Modular

A worker with a yellow hard-hat and fluorescent yellow vest writes on a form using a blue pen.

After exploring some of the ways modular companies get themselves in hot water, let’s review the takeaways:

Best Job in Modular Good Practice #1

Creating a strong, experienced group of workers to back up the product can ensure the success of modular buildings.

At Aries, we work hard to create an attractive, worker-friendly environment as well as recruit the best workers from around the nation to join our workforce. They have decades of experience, sometimes with our competitors, and join Aries. In conclusion they know the business model and quality buildings will allow them to enjoy their work.

Best Job in Modular Good Practice #2

The best modular building companies listen intently to their clients.

Aries understands that our modular business thrives through relationships. That is to say that when you call, your personal Aries’ representative— no waits, moreover, no switching around. An experienced modular professional makes sure to find out exactly what you need and promise a turnkey solution.

Best Job in Modular Good Practice #3

Great modular construction companies understand that they should tackle the customization mountain, rather than depend on a one-size-fits-all approach.

At Aries, we have all you need. Customizable floor plans as well as a wider array of options make your next modular building from Aries the solution to your space needs. To sum it up, call in and let us know what you need today!

About Aries

Aries provides prefabricated office buildings, construction trailers, portable school classrooms, mobile hospitals, workforce housing at oil pipeline sites, storage containers, and, for disaster recovery relief but we’d love to help you acquire your modular building for any purpose at all! We offer full turnkey solutions with exceptional customer service and robust financing options. We pride ourselves on combining product quality, design expertise, technical as well as financial innovation, and strategy.

Become a customer today! Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com, or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-6689. You can also contact us via our website, or request a quote here.

Aries Naughty & Nice List: Modular Buildings2022-07-11T22:13:57+00:00
18 11, 2021

Modular Building Innovations We Can Be Extra Thankful For

A photo of a person wearing a grey suit with their hand raised to show all five fingers. Under the picture is a white desk with the words: “5 Modular Building Innovations We Can Be Extra Thankful for!”

Historically, modular buildings have been stigmatized as nothing more than standardized, mass-produced houses. But now, this stigma couldn’t be further from reality. Today’s modular construction technology offers clients more flexibility and convenience than ever before. From efficient project timelines to cost-effective materials, there are many advantages of choosing modular construction. This blog will dive down to 5 modular building innovations we can all be extra thankful for!

Modular construction reduces waste and allows for a much greener build.

Since traditional construction generates more than 56 million tons of waste per year, we should gravitate towards a more green and environmentally-friendly construction method. Compared to conventional construction, modular building uses sustainable materials that can reduce tons of waste. Some modular construction companies use innovative materials ranging from recycled wood, steel, or even aluminum to form siding, frames, and roofs. An example of this is an oriented strand board, made from fast-growing, sustainably-sourced wood — an environmentally-friendly alternative to plywood.

Several modular companies have become deeply involved in green and more sustainable approaches to construction. Wikkelhouse, a structure built entirely of recycled cardboard, is an example of how one company became increasingly creative with their building materials. This structure is expected to last for more than a century.

A photograph of a lightbulb with three green leaves growing inside and laying on a grey surface.

Modular design decreases energy consumption.

It is common for modular building to include many features that reduce energy usage overall. One innovative design seen in most modular building is the use of SIPs or structural insulated panels. An SIP is a combination of two exterior layers and insulated foam, resulting in an airtight structure 15 times better than fiberglass insulation. This results in a well-maintained temperature that requires less heating or air conditioning.

Some modular buildings opt for employing solar energy. KODA, a company that makes well-designed and sustainable modular building, installs solar panels on its roofs.

Another example of modular green innovation is the sunshades installed in the annex of the University of Virginia Medical Center to boost energy efficiency. These sunshades include a white thermoplastic polyolefin roof, 16 SEER Energy Star rooftop heat pump units, and an enthalpy wheel, which is a rotary air-to-air heat exchanger with MERV 15 filters.

Modular construction has a quick turnaround.

Survey of Construction stated that a typical on-site construction takes around seven months to a year to complete. This does not include delays resulting from external factors, including weather, contractors, and inspections. Since modular structures are constructed off-site, delays or any potential complications are eliminated. A modular project is also built asynchronously with the site’s foundation work, which reduces the project time by almost half.

Medical Education and Training Campus in Fort Sam Houston, Texas now has 2 four-story buildings with 520,000 total square feet that was completed in 134 days. The innovative method of modular construction made it possible to complete this project significantly faster compared to building it traditionally.

Photograph of the interior of Aries’ modular building manufacturing facility in Troy, Texas.

Modular construction offers a safer working environment.

Working on a traditional construction site can be a risky job. Incidents like falling from heights or machines malfunctioning can lead to severe injuries or even death. Since modular construction is in a much more controlled space, most of the workplace hazards are eliminated. Many contractors have found significant improvement in site safety when using modular construction. Modular construction has been widely recognized to provide several safety advantages:

  • Doing complex assembly at ground level.
  • Having fewer workers on the jobsite.
  • Requiring fewer tasks to be completed at heights.

Modular construction is cost effective and delivers cost certainty.

Modular construction reduces labor costs since it uses fewer highly qualified workers in a controlled setting, optimized for efficiency and safety. Multiple identical modules are built at the same time, allowing for optimal reuse of materials from previous builds — resulting in reduced material costs. Also, it offers cost certainty because every aspect of the budget is aligned from the beginning. Since everything is constructed off-site, potential problems that might cause increased expenditures are minimized or even eliminated.

Modular construction has proven to be greater than the stigma that was attached to it. With more innovations and creations becoming increasingly advanced, it is only a step away from replacing the traditional methods altogether.

Aries embodies the latest and greatest modular building technology trends. Our growing commitment to the art of modular construction has allowed Aries to deserve the title of being the leading modular provider. Aries will strive to provide our customers with only the best by exclusively implementing the most innovative modular construction technology. From modular offices, to classrooms, to workforce housing, Aries is the perfect choice!

About Aries

Aries is a privately-owned company located in Houston, Texas. As a leading provider of commercial modular space solutions, Aries offers multiple financing options with a track record of delivering results on both large and small projects. Across North America, Aries offers modular space solutions for the medical, education, government, construction, commercial, and oil/gas sectors. Among Aries’ building inventory are buildings available for immediate delivery to serve the educational and healthcare sectors, commercial office needs, and any short- or long-term housing needs.

An experienced team of engineers, manufacturing professionals, facility managers, and sales representatives is one of our greatest assets. Our management team remains involved in all phases of our projects as part of our commitment to building strong partnerships with our clients. Providing excellent service and learning from our clients is a core value at Aries.

Become our customer today! Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-8869. You can also contact us via our website or request a quote here.

Modular Building Innovations We Can Be Extra Thankful For2024-10-16T14:32:20+00:00
10 11, 2021

Aries Insta Space: Purchase or Lease Modular Buildings Customized However You Want!

Charcoal architectural grid background with text that says “Aries, we provide space, Insta Space, it’s whatever you want”. Aries’ official burgundy Ram logo can be seen to the right of the word Aries.

Are you a decision maker at a growing facility? If yes, then ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Do you need more space?
  2. Is the space you are currently in not the right kind of space?
  3. Is your current space simply not a smart space?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Aries would like to offer you the gold standard in viable, flexible, stylish, and efficient workspace to meet your every need: Insta Space!

If you are looking to scale up, we can help you add as much space as you wish — a truly customized modular building. With Aries’ Insta Space, the length, width, as well as height of your space is constructed according to your specifications.

Photo of the interior of a modular building that has been converted into office space with a fully furnished conference room with a wood conference table, chairs, and a glass partition wall separating the room from the rest of the building.

Aries’ Insta Space is like having access to infinite customizations of your choosing. The exterior of your building can be tailored to your liking by adding stairs, ramps… the options are endless.

Interior design options may include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Furnishings & fixtures
  • Audio/video systems
  • Projectors & screens
  • Energy-efficient LED lighting fixtures
  • Floor & wall finishing
  • Durable partition window walls
  • Extra safety features

With this versatile “flex space,” the sky’s the limit when it comes to resizing a modular office building or increasing your school campus with new swing space, administrative offices, or safe, spacious, portable multiplex classrooms. As if the freedom of design weren’t enough! A great feeling comes with knowing you’re keeping your footprint small by investing in reusable construction. Modular building is, without a doubt, green building.

If you are not looking for temporary space, not to worry! Aries’ wide scope of offerings doesn’t stop at portable buildings, storage containers, modular complexes, and also Insta Space. In fact, there are permanent space options available for you, too! So, If this sounds like what you’re looking for, request a quote today!

A collage of photos that show the interior and exteriors of permanent buildings that can be used for businesses or schools with many windows and high ceilings.

About Aries

Aries is a full-service modular building provider. We offer container rentals, mobile classrooms, workforce housing, and also custom modular buildings. We take great pride in our experienced team of engineering, manufacturing, facility management, and also sales professionals.

Our management team remains involved in all phases of our projects to nurture strong partnerships and focus on each customer’s individual and evolving needs. We are committed to providing the most innovative designs in the modular construction industry while delivering the most cost-effective solutions. So, Visit our website or give us a call at 1-888-598-8869.

Aries Insta Space: Purchase or Lease Modular Buildings Customized However You Want!2024-05-02T09:23:50+00:00
14 10, 2021

Buy, Lease, or Rent Modular Classrooms from Aries


Photos of modular classrooms. Left and right photos are examples of the interior of classroom trailers and relocatable classrooms. The middle photo shows the exterior of an Aries’ portable building.

Outstanding schools need highly qualified teachers and staff to help each student succeed. Still, it is also essential to have a well-designed building that optimizes performance and promotes a great learning space. We must invest in a building solution that accommodates these needs, and Aries is a world leader in modular classrooms.

Aries has the best to offer when it comes to modular classrooms. Aries offers many education-building solutions for school districts – from temporary portable classrooms to permanent, multi-unit campuses. From designing an optimal floor plan to creating outstanding structural accommodations, Aries will meet all your relocatable education needs.

There are many reasons why you should rent, buy, or lease modular classrooms with Aries. One of the many advantages of working with Aries is that we can construct your facility off-site while concurrently constructing your land on-site as a manufacturer. This allows us to complete all phases of your project in half the time of traditional construction. This also means no weather delays, postponed work schedules, and unexpected delays–so you can get to class on time.

Aries’ modular classrooms are highly customizable. We offer a wide range of options, including mobile administrative offices, portable restrooms, classroom trailers, mobile locker rooms, science labs, libraries, pre-schools, assembly, modular cafeterias, etc. Aries also offers a broad scope of floor plans and immediate delivery on all of them.

A collage of all the available floor plans of Aries for its modular classrooms. With a red banner on top that says “Available floor plans” in all capitalized letters.

Aries’ modular classrooms are safer and more secure. Our modular classrooms are multipack, which provides a controlled environment for all the students and the faculty members. Additionally, Aries offers double-walled security systems and push-pull doors with a single entry.

A brightly lit elementary school classroom full of children donning white protective masks and a young brunette girl in the foreground happily spraying anti-bacterial solution onto her hands.

A Note from Aries: Pandemic Safety In Portable Classrooms

Right from the very beginning of the pandemic, Aries recognized the challenges facing schools – and the safety of students, faculty, and staff is still on everyone’s mind. If you need additional classroom space quickly, Aries is here to help. Other safety features are available in multiple classroom sizes and an extensive nationwide fleet – ready to provide solutions to help keep everyone as safe as possible:

Temperature Monitoring

Keep students safe by adding on a system that allows for touch-less temperature screening within a 10-foot range.

UV Disinfection Lighting

Utilize the power of broad-spectrum UV rays to disinfect classrooms of up to 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

HEPA Air Filter

Ultra-strong HEPA air filters keep fresh air circulating while removing harmful toxins, allergens, and germs so teachers and students can breathe easier.

Auto-Open Doors

Less contact means less germs. Auto-open doors allow for easy movement into and out of classrooms without having to worry about passing bacteria or viruses over door handles.

Wall-Mounted Hand Sanitizer

Conveniently placed hand sanitizer in classrooms will help protect students, teachers, and staff from spreading germs.

In summary, if you seek the best modular classrooms, whether to buy, lease, or rent, Aries has what you are looking for!

Request a quote today!

About Aries

Aries specializes in commercial modular space solutions and provides an array of financing options for the most demanding kinds of projects. Privately owned, Aries is based in Houston, Texas, with a network in North America that provides modular spaces for government, construction, commercial, medical, oil/gas, and education projects.

As a company, Aries values excellent service and continuously promotes a philosophy of achieving together by learning from our clients, resulting in mutually rewarding results and outcomes.

Don’t miss out on becoming a customer! Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-8869. You can also contact us via our website!

Buy, Lease, or Rent Modular Classrooms from Aries2022-03-10T23:09:56+00:00
5 10, 2021

Aries 2021 Momentum: Precision Structures & Jobsite Mobile Offices Acquisitions

A collage of pictures encompassing everything about Aries. In the middle is a banner with Aries’ logo of the red ram head and next to it is the word “Aries” written in black.

Any company’s success depends significantly on growth and innovation, a matter that Aries takes seriously. As a result of new partnerships and acquisitions, internal expansion, and unmatched teamwork, Aries has evolved from a top notch modular building provider to the industry’s tycoon. Here we’ll dive into two winning acquisitions that continue to propel Aries to new heights in 2021.

Jobsite Mobile Offices

Jobsite Mobile Offices is a family-owned manufacturer of mobile and modular field offices in the Midwest catering to the construction, industrial, and other B2B industries. In the years since Jobsite Mobile Offices was founded, both their services and reputation have grown tremendously. Over 50 years, they kept a top-to-bottom approach, which encompasses everything from production to servicing and financing, as well as employing only the most knowledgeable and skilled employees. In addition to growing Aries’ credibility, the acquisition expanded its capabilities in the mobile offices sector, a domain in which Jobsite has tremendous expertise. It also extended Aries’ customer base particularly in the Midwest region.

Precision Structures

Precision Structures is a modular building solutions provider located in Pasadena, Texas. They offer office trailers, portable classrooms, storage containers, ground level offices (GLOs), and specialty modular buildings of any kind. For decades, Precision Structures has maintained a well-earned, large loyal customer base. This customer base, as well as a shared focus on providing modular building solutions in a variety of industries including (but not limited to) commercial, industrial, education, medical, and civic made Precision Structures an ideal addition to Aries’ growing business portfolio.

Aries is driven by growth and momentum and anticipates many more expansions in every possible area and field of service to further build its business, brand, and reputation. Also, the acceleration of our growth is more than just attaining revenue targets and acquiring new customers. It is a reflection of the efforts of our team members and their dedication to delivering a service that is unparalleled in the industry. Our driven, hard-working, and dedicated employees make us the industry’s tycoon, and are essentially, what makes us — Aries.

More about Aries

Aries, a privately owned company located in Houston, Texas, is a leading provider of commercial modular space solutions. We offer multiple financing options with a track record of delivering results on both large and small projects. Aries has a diverse network of modular space solutions in North America for the medical, education, construction, and commercial sectors. Aries have buildings for immediate delivery to serve the educational and healthcare sectors, as well as any short- or long-term residential needs.

We take tremendous pride in having an exceptional team of engineers, manufacturing professionals, facility managers, and sales representatives. In order to establish strong partnerships and acquisitions, our management team stays involved in every phase of the process. We are committed to delivering excellent and consistent service and achieving mutually beneficial results by learning from our clients.

Be our customer today!

Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com or call (U.S.) 1-888-598-8869. You can also contact us here or request a quote here.

Aries 2021 Momentum: Precision Structures & Jobsite Mobile Offices Acquisitions2024-05-02T09:21:33+00:00
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