Permanent Modular Construction vs. Relocatable Buildings
At Aries, we understand the importance of patience and perseverance. However, we also understand that instant solutions can be the difference between success and failure in some things. That’s why we specialize in turn-key solutions to get our clients’ most significant projects rolling towards success. Within our model, we focus on two types of construction: permanent and temporary.

Permanent Modular Construction vs. Relocatable Buildings:
The Commonalities:
Both permanent and temporary solutions are prefabricated in factories, leading to higher quality, efficiency, and predictability than traditional construction. Again, both permanent and temporary solutions feature modern, custom designs that include fixtures, ramps, doors, and interior finishes. Clients can separate or expand rooms and add sliding doors, glass barriers, screens, projectors, and amenities.
The process is very similar for both, with a dedicated one-on-one professional accompanying clients from concept to delivery. So, what is the difference between the two modular building innovations?
When considering a permanent versus non-permanent modular construction, clients should consider the different financial options available with each. Mainly, relocatable buildings give leasing options, offering clients an added layer of flexibility. Also, the materials, preparation, and foundations needed for permanent buildings usually come with added costs, although these typically remain below traditional construction costs. Finally, the depreciation schedule on each type of building can vary, making a difference in reporting company finances.
Each type of modular building offers flexibility in different areas. Of course, relocatable buildings allow companies the flexibility to use the space as temporary swing space or as an office that moves from Jobsite to Jobsite. Classrooms, construction offices, and storage containers can usually benefit from this characteristic.
However, permanent buildings allow clients to expand existing buildings with new modular components seamlessly. While they can be connected structurally to main buildings, Relocatable buildings usually cannot seamlessly interact with a pre-existing structure in the way permanent buildings can.
Set-up time:
Clients looking for instant solutions can sometimes find themselves in a time scramble. The turn-key solution can be set up and ready to go in as little as 24 hours with relocatable buildings. This can guide their choice between permanent versus temporary modular buildings.
Compared to the blistering timeline of relocatable buildings, permanent buildings can take up to 4 weeks to complete. It’s worth mentioning that the permanent modular building set-up schedule still crushes all traditional competition. The time savings are produced by the assembly line nature of the construction because the foundation and building can both be worked on simultaneously.
The Aries’ formula:
As a big company, with a small company feel, you can rest assured that you will get a human voice when you call our lines. Our process takes clients through a customized process from start to finish that guarantees our clients will find the right solution just for them. We are the trusted modular building provider for North America!

About Aries
Aries is renowned in every kind of commercial modular space solution and provides an array of financing options for even the most demanding projects. Privately-owned, Aries is based in Houston, Texas, with a network in North America that provides modular spaces for government, construction, commercial, medical, oil/gas, and education projects.
As a company, Aries values excellent service and continuously promotes a philosophy of achieving together by learning from our clients, resulting in mutually rewarding results and outcomes.
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