Aries’ Modular Schools in San Francisco’s Tech Hub
dremana2024-10-16T23:04:42+00:00Alongside other modular building companies, Aries Building Systems’ California-based company, Class Leasing, is bringing prefab school buildings to Silicon Valley, home to hundreds of start-up and global technology companies, and consequently, one of the fastest growing elementary school districts in the area.
As certain school districts integrate these portable classrooms onto their campuses, some are choosing creative means to make it all work. The Snoqualmie Valley School District in Washington is saving money by adding modular classrooms for a “freshman-only” school instead of using a traditional middle school configuration. This fresh approach reflects the versatility of prefab buildings in 2016 as opposed to “back in the day.” Portable classrooms today are better described as permanent modular classrooms. With benefits such as lessening environmental impact, mobility, and exceeding California Title 24 Energy Standards by a considerable amount, it’s hard to beat the amenities that modular classrooms afford.
Beyond this, companies like Aries Building Systems’ Class Leasing offer flexible leasing options and a wide range of building types.
Modular buildings offer fast, flexible, and cost-effective solutions for changing demographics and increasing enrollment. A popular route many California school districts are taking to bypass the expense of the bidding process is “Piggyback Contracts.” (See more on Piggyback Contracts here.)
About Reliant Asset Management
Aries Business Building Systems is a subsidiary of Reliant Asset Management. RAM specializes in supplying remote work force and commercial modular buildings for a wide range of industries and applications across the U.S. and Canada. The company is a single source contact and contract for all services necessary to ensure that every aspect of the required structure is met or exceeded. With a seasoned team of modular building experts, Reliant provides a wide range of integrated offerings including customized design, manufacturing, transportation, construction, support services and financing to name a few. In addition to being named to the Forbes list of America’s Top 20 Most Promising Companies, Reliant was also ranked number 3 on the 2014 Inc. 500, Inc. Magazine’s annual list of the fastest growing private companies in the U.S.
Learn more about Class Leasing:
Aries Building Systems Contact: (888) 995-2971 or [email protected]