5 03, 2020

Modular Building Leader Aries Wins Contract with KCDA!


A shot of a classroom of students taken from the back of the classroom: in the background are students sitting in red and green desks with their hands raised, and in the foreground, a smiling teacher stands in the front of the classroom holding paper

KCDA and Aries: A Proud Partnership

Modular Building Leader Aries is happy to announce that it has recently won a portable school building contract with the King County Directors’ Association (KCDA). KCDA is a purchasing cooperative owned by Washington’s public school districts. It bids and awards supply and service contracts through open competition as prescribed by the laws of the State of Washington. KCDA provides centralized acquisition services to member school districts and orders its products in volume for its members, thereby saving them money and supporting their purchasing and distribution requirements.

Mutually beneficial for all, this contract with KCDA secures more business for Aries (this being a 19-255 portable classroom contract) at a less expensive cost to school districts – which often face funding challenges. Aries believes in the importance of education and is pleased to partner with KCDA, whose primary goal is “to help school districts focus their resources in the classroom and to help public agencies focus on direct services to the taxpayers.”

Aries prides itself on its long history of philanthropy and community responsibility, including providing support during disasters or critical times of need. During the 2016 Alberta wildfires, RAM Modular furnished emergency modular accommodations to evacuees and first responders. During the winter of 2014 in North Dakota, Aries crew members volunteered for the Salvation Army’s “Project Heat,” a project that provided a warm place to stay and a bed to sleep on to the homeless and those without access to heat. Aries also provided considerable help to those in need following Hurricane Harvey and Irma by providing temporary modular housing and turn-key solutions to aid in the recovery process for those affected.

“We are so excited to partner with KCDA; while of course this new contract is a boost for business, we also believe KCDA aligns with our mission because of its proven track record of their support of education.” Says Katie Roman, Vice President of Workforce Housing at Aries.  “Not only does KCDA supply schools with portable classrooms and buildings at a reasonable price,  but they offer members same-day shipping on over 15,000 items from their 170,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Kent, Washington. We understand as well as any school district… sometimes you need those classrooms yesterday!”

Aries wants to recognize and give a warm shout out to Mary Grim and her team at Aries Pacific Northwest for securing this contract! Congratulations team. Job well done!

Aries Portable Classrooms

The inside of a bright, vibrantly decorated portable classroom with tables set up neatly with 4 green chairs and various colored tubs of supplies.

Aries offers a multitude of education building solutions for school districts – from temporary portable classrooms to permanent, multi-unit campuses,  Aries brings your temporary educational facility to the next level of innovation. Our award-winning team of experienced professionals will design floor plans and structural accommodations that will meet all your relocatable education needs.

Aries can complete your project in just half the time of traditional construction because our manufacturing capabilities allow us to build your facility off site while simultaneously progressing land development on site. Every one of our modular classrooms is under stringent codes and regulations, so you’ll never have to worry about the quality and safety of your Aries modular facility. Plus, our indoor factory processing means no weather delays, no postponed work schedules, and no surprises – so you can get to class on time.

Our modular classrooms are highly customizable, providing you a wide scope of possible configurations including mobile administrative offices, portable restrooms, classroom trailers, mobile locker rooms, science labs, libraries, pre-schools, assembly, modular cafeterias, and other possible usage. We also install modular buildings on below-grade concrete foundation and provide stucco exterior. Our designs are used at community colleges, charter schools, and private/public campuses all over the country. Aries also has an online inventory of modular classrooms and educational facilities.

One of Aries’ portable classroom selling points is our multipack classrooms. We have an extensive set of multipack portable classroom floor plans. Here are some of the examples of floor plans that we have:

A floor plan of Aries Model 36x60 portable classroom model: a large gathering area in the middle, with small rooms to the sides.

A floor plan of Aries Model Classroom Building 56” x 72.” Four large classroom areas conjoined as one large multipurpose modular space.

A floor plan of Aries Six Classroom Building 84” z 72.” Six conjoined classrooms, three on each side, with a hallway down the middle.

Please see our website for a list of our other available portable classroom multipack floor plans.

The reason for multipack classrooms? They are safer. Which admin, teacher, and students can all appreciate. This is because:

  • They give teachers the ability to control the environment for the students & faculty.
  • They remove the amount of exterior egress & access for students & people to gain access to classrooms.
  • Multipack classrooms have double wall security: besides each classroom having locks on each door, the building itself can be locked, making it possible for people to move from classroom to classroom without going outside and exposing themselves to other dangers.
  • They have push-pull doors, so there’s only one entry.
  • They have double wall security that also shields those inside from threatening weather.

To request a quote, please click here: https://ariesbuildings.com/request-a-quote/.

At Aries, we believe there’s nothing more important than consistent delivery of exceptional service, dependability, and innovation. Aries promotes our philosophy of achieving together by learning from our clients, ensuring the development of mutually rewarding results and outcomes. All under Aries’ roof, we offer: design/build engineering, in-house manufacturing, in-house transportation arm, construction services and general construction, civil work, land development, and capital/finance leasing.

Become a customer today! Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com or call (U.S.) 1-888-995-2971. You can also contact us via our website.

Modular Building Leader Aries Wins Contract with KCDA!2020-03-18T19:47:38+00:00
24 02, 2020

World of Modular 2020 Annual Trade Show and Convention


A beautiful image of Rosen Shingle Creek hotel & convention center favoring the golf course and lake, with the hotel reflecting in the still lake waters. This image is set atop of a skyline image of Orlando Florida at night. Headline reads, “World of Modular Convention and Tradeshow March 9-12 Orlando, FLA. – ARIES”

Founded in 1983, the Modular Building Institute (MBI) is the international non-profit trade association serving modular construction. Members are manufacturers, contractors, and dealers in two distinct segments of the industry – permanent modular construction and relocatable buildings. Associate members are companies supplying building components, services, and financing. MBI strives to keep up with the latest trends of the modular/offsite construction industry and has expanded its membership over the years to include architects, owner/developers, and general contractors. It is MBI’s mission to expand the use of offsite construction through innovative construction practices, outreach and education to the construction community and customers, and recognition of high quality modular designs and facilities. This is why, each year MBI hosts the annual World of Modular trade show and convention.

The 37th annual World of Modular will be held this year from March 9th-12th in Orlando, Florida. This event is meant to provide professionals in the commercial modular building industry a place to network, exchange ideas, learn from experts, discuss issues, display new products, and receive well-deserved awards and industry recognition. Events include a golf tournament, opening party, Exhibit Hall, speakers, Grand Prize Contests, and an awards banquet and VIP reception.

A photograph of Aries’ sponsored, keynote speaker Anirban Basu – a kind looking dark-haired man with a goatee and sparkly bright brown eyes.

Several important experts in business scheduled as the keynote speakers, including, Terry Jones, Anirban Basu, and Steffen Fuchs. As founder and CEO of Travelocity and having served as founding chairman of Kayak, Jones offers insight into how to transform a private company into a public company and the advantages of businesses being disruptors and innovators.

Anirban Basu, the speaker sponsored by Aries, is an economic trends expert and the CEO and founder of Sage Policy Group, Inc., a consulting firm in Baltimore, MD. He provides policy and economic consulting for numerous clients including developers, bankers, brokerage houses, energy suppliers, and law firms. He has also written several high-profile reports on construction, including MBI’s “Economic & Financial Performance of Relocatable Buildings in the US Modular Building Industry.”

Steffen Fuchs, senior partner at McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, will speak about how technological improvements, economic demands, and changing mind-sets in the world of modular building will garner interest and investment. Fuchs believes that more investment will give the industry a huge productivity boost, help solve the housing crisis in many markets, and significantly reshape the way we build today. Other topics that will be discussed by various speakers will include: best practices, lean construction, the integration of modular and site-built, passive house, LEED, and net zero.

Crowds of people socializing at The World of Modular exhibit hall. Image courtesy of WOM.

The World of Modular trade show an exciting and important event for anyone in the industry, and this year Aries is a gold sponsor. Katie Roman, VP of Workforce Housing at Aries, stresses the benefits of this tradeshow to the industry, “We attend the World of Modular annual convention and tradeshow every year in order to stay current with the trends in this quickly changing industry. We understand the value of networking with our colleagues and promoting modular industries across the board. We look forward to WOM each and every year!”

With over thirty years of experience in the business, Aries’ presence and industry insights at the 2019 World of Modular Tradeshow are not to be missed!

“Aries wants to be as involved as possible… from the World of Modular to any other modular industry event, we are there. We aren’t just showing up for ourselves, we are showing up for our colleagues, and, most importantly, our customers. They depend on us to be present in every way,” adds Roman.

Katie Roman, VP of Workforce Housing at Aries seated in the drivers’ seat of a car; she’s a young attractive blonde woman with striking blue eyes, wearing a bright red Aries collared shirt.

If you attend this convention, be on the lookout for Aries members, as they will be walking the show. See you there!

More on Aries

Aries manufactures prefabricated office buildings to be used as construction offices, portable school classrooms, mobile hospitals, workforce housing at oil pipeline sites, storage containers, and for disaster recovery relief, but we’d love to help you acquire your modular building for any purpose at all! We offer full turnkey solutions with exceptional customer service and robust financing options. We pride ourselves on combining product quality, design expertise, technical and financial innovation, and strategy that has already established us a first choice to customers.

Become a customer today! Visit Aries: www.ariesbuildings.com, or call (U.S.) 1-888-995-2971. You can also contact us via our website, or request a quote here.

World of Modular 2020 Annual Trade Show and Convention2020-03-18T19:47:47+00:00
18 02, 2020

Why We Love Modular Construction


Why We Love Modular Construction

Modular buildings are fast becoming the construction method of choice around the world. By choosing to build modular, you’ll benefit from a fast, cost-effective and efficient process with environmentally friendly materials and built in durability. Contemporary modular buildings today outdo the basic manufacturing of yesteryear. From deluxe workforce housing, fully outfitted portable classrooms, to medical and relocatable government facilities, modular construction is leading the way in offering accessible, affordable, and cutting-edge development for the modern world. Indoor manufacturing of modules ensures consistency of quality while eliminating the associated waste of damaged products subjected to outdoor construction. Here are some of the many reasons Why We Love Modular Construction:

Aries “Why We Love Modular Construction” infographic, consisting of a colorful display of icons representing speed, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, durability, quality, and eco-friendly construction.

If you can dream it, Aries can build it! Suddenly, building space becomes reactive and sensitive to company needs making modular building the new “ace” up institutions’ sleeves.

About Aries Building Systems – Do YOU need a modular unit for your business or administration? Consider Aries. We offer full turnkey solutions with exceptional customer service and robust financing options. We pride ourselves on combining product quality, design expertise, technical and financial innovation and strategy that has already established us a first choice to customers. Contact us today at (888) 995-8560 or reach out to a sales associate here.

Why We Love Modular Construction2020-02-24T22:06:25+00:00
18 01, 2020

Historic Moments in Early Modular Building


: A square, brown, modern wooden house with a wide, bonnet roof sitting on top of a large dock in the middle of a pond; in the background are a few small hills with sparse green vegetation.

The Beginning of Prefabrication

The year was 40,000 BC: Early Homo sapiens could only make the most rudimentary of tools. They shared the earth with Neanderthals, and no human had yet to cross the Bering Land Bridge from Asia into North America. Yet it’s very likely that this early human invented a technology that is as relevant 42,000 years later as it was back then: prefabricated construction. Originally hunter-gatherers used animal skins, leaves, branches and wooden structures as makeshift homes for protection from the elements.

On verdant grass surrounded by trees sits a tee-pee made with thin branches, brown animal skins, and a small opening as a door. Through the trees you can see more tee-pees, resembling an early settlement. Attribution: Photograph by Pierre André Leclercq

It’s highly likely that one of these early humans, an innovator, made an amazingly, well-built tent, and, as the tribe moved towards their next destination, the innovator took apart her tent and bundled the animal skins around the frame-poles. She called over her eldest son and helped him secure the pack onto his back. Then, when they arrived at a new location and the rest of the tribe scrambled around looking for adequate sticks to build shelter, our innovator simply unpacked her prefabricated tent, set it up, and maybe spent her extra leisure time painting on the walls of a nearby cave. Our innovator has proven that prefabrication is just more efficient.

From Pre-fabrication to Modular building – Defining the Criteria for our list.

Prefabrication, then, is one of the earliest human innovations. Later, civilizations expanded upon the prefab tradition with modular construction. There is a difference between prefabricated and modular construction.

Prefabrication is anytime that the components of a building are manufactured off-site. Modular construction is a specific type of prefabrication where components of the building are modules; that is, self-contained units that can attach, either vertically or horizontally, and form structures that are more complex.

The nuanced difference between these two construction styles makes a big difference in what is included in our “Historic Moments in Early Modular Building” list. For example, the Eiffel Tower can never be a part of the conversation about the history of modular construction: it was prefabricated, not modular. All of the components of the tower were manufactured off-site, and the pieces were assembled together later, like a jigsaw puzzle.

Aries is a successful modular construction company because we rely on modular, turn-key solutions, or modules ready for operation as soon as they have been assembled on site.

These modules are manufactured with the internal complexity already in place. The delivered classrooms, offices, houses, cafeterias, libraries, and locker-rooms already contain the toilets, shelves, lights, wiring, air-conditioning, showers, and other amenities.

Aries provides truly self-contained units that offer efficiency and flexibility. The modules with internal complexity—i.e. lights, pluming, toilets—are ready for use once they are delivered to the site. The modules can operate either by themselves or be linked together to make a complex.

While older buildings might be modular in form, they usually require extensive interior set-up prior to use.

With this in mind, we can finally begin our “Historical Moments in Modular Building.” Besides each building in our list we will rank it 1-10, 10 being closer to Aries’ style modular building: self-contained units with the interior complexity already fabricated before delivery.

Historic Moments in Early Modular Building 

  1. 17th Century Ottoman Empire (Modular Ranking: 3)

A colorful painting portraying two kneeling men, with facial hear and turbans, facing each other in an offset position, one of them on an artistic decorated rug. They are inside of a tent with red, blue, green, and yellow interior.

The pure ambition of Ottoman Empire tents embodied the spirit of modular building in such a way that it earns the first spot on the list. Ottoman tents have been called multi-functional mobile palaces.[1]

These tents varied from “multi-storied, three-poled ovoid structures to individual parasols; and from rather austere bathroom and kitchen tents to ceremonial marquees and baldachins lavishly ornamented with layers of polychrome appliqué and gilded leather accents.”[2] The Ottomans customized each tent according to its use: ceremonies, cooking, executions, celebrations, military campaigns, or vacations. For example, kitchen tents always had ventilation holes in the roof.”[3]

These portable structures were not just useful; they were extravagant, beautiful, mesmerizing, and artistic. Externally, they were often made to resemble permanent palaces.[4] Internally, they had intricate and lovely artwork, sometimes containing detailed and accurate panoramas of entire cities embroidered into their sides. Like stained glass windows, the sun would filter through the tent causing the art to come to life.

Constantly on the move, Ottoman sultans used these tents as a home away from home, a tradition that Aries Residence Suites strives to maintain. These tents only have a modular ranking of 3, because they were transported through disassembling, not as a complete module, and the internal complexity—in this case lamps, cushions, chairs—would have to be transported and set up each and every time, separating these tents from ideal modular structures.

2. 1670 Colonial Modular Houses (Modular Ranking: 1)

Colonial modular homes of 1670 include any pre-fabricated colonial home, ranging the famous Australian modular homes, to the modular home sent to Colonial Massachusetts in 1670,[5] to the houses sent to the “forty-niners” who were prospecting gold in California.

A grey-scale sketch of a hilly settlement with a cluster of houses surrounded by pine trees on the border of a tumultuous river, on the river bank stand two men who are conversing by the side of a small boat.

With many different style choices and extremely easy to build, these houses made robust homes a reality for the European pioneers. The immigrants to Australia describe their frustration at learning to build with the local materials and their homes were repeatedly blown away by strong gusts of winds.[1] When they got an offer for modular homes from Great Britain, they couldn’t resist. Soon these sturdy houses, one of which still stands today, showed just how valuable it could be to pack up a home and unpack it at any site of your choosing.

[1] https://www.cornucopia.net/blog/found-objects-19th-century-ottoman-imperial-tents/




[5] https://www.modular.org/HtmlPage.aspx?name=faq

[6] Herbert, G. (1972). The Portable Colonial Cottage. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 31(4), 261-275. doi:10.2307/988810

These houses pioneered the essential components of subsequent modular building: customization, ease of building, and designed for portability.[1] However, these houses only rank with a paltry “1” for modular construction. Although they are almost always included on modular construction lists, these houses could hardly be joined with other modules, and they usually weren’t delivered as true modules, but as “build-it-yourself” type sets with all the instructions and materials included.

3. 1851 “Portable” Crystal Palace (Modular Ranking: 9)

A grey-scale drawing of a long rectangular building, the center of which rises to a large cylindrical dome with a flag waving in the wind on top, and, in front of the building, congregate men and women on horses and on foot. The men are wearing top-hats and the women long dresses as a couple dogs and children walk around.

During its time, it was a wonder of wonders, a must-see for everyone traveling to London. It hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851 and its tremendous size and architectural advancements created awe and wonder as a perfect embodiment of renaissance and industrial revolution ideals:

“Innovative in structure, completely new in its function, unusual in form and significant in the associations it embodied, it takes its place with a handful of other preeminent buildings such as the Pantheon, Hagia Sophia and Abbot Suger’s St. Denis.”[1]

The Russian writer Dostoevsky, aghast at the size, ambition, and capitalistic relevance of the Crystal Palace would become obsessed with the building and would write about its symbolic existence as being something that “you feel that something final has been accomplished, accomplished and brought to a close.”[2]

It was 1,848 feet long by 408 feet wide. It was relocated and enlarged, eventually measuring more than a quarter mile long.[3] Within, it contained all types of wonders and technologies displayed during the Great Exhibition. More importantly, and the reason that it gets a ranking of 9 on our list, is that the

Crystal Palace astounded the world with modular buildings powers: its construction was fast, it could be relocated, and it could be expanded almost effortlessly, without sacrificing design or size.

4. 1855 Endless, Prefabricated Renkioi Hospital (Modular Ranking:7)

Florence Nightingale, a nurse who, from the destruction of war, brought about a revolution in medicine…and also, an advance in modular construction.

[1] Kihlstedt, F. (1984). The Crystal Palace. Scientific American,251(4), 132-143. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/24969462

[2] [2] http://sarahjyoung.com/site/2010/04/22/the-crystal-palace-in-russian-literature-2/

[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNUrMS4N_cM

[1]Herbert, G. (1972). The Portable Colonial Cottage. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 31(4), 261-275. doi:10.2307/988810

The blueprints for a long rectangular building with a gable roof and rows of hospitals beds can be seen from the top, side, front, and back angles and labels, the largest of which says Renkioi Hospital.

Nightingale was a nurse working for the British in Turkey during the Crimean war. She developed advanced theories of ventilation for disease prevention in hospitals. In order to meet the growing demand for a hospital, the British commissioned and sent a modular hospital that met the ventilation needs stipulated by Nightingale.

As with other buildings on the list, Renkioi hospital traveled not as a modular unit, but as a prefabricated kit full of the parts.  However, Renkioi soars high to a modular ranking of 7 because it provided a modular solution to a common problem in the healthcare industry: the Renkioi hospital had an initial patient capacity, but the British weren’t sure just how many patients the hospital might have to hold. The solution was to design an endless hospital, the length equipped to be increased indefinitely. The wards could be linked to grow the hospital with demand.

With this innovation, modular construction increased its competitive advantage over other forms of construction.

5. 1908 Sears Kit Homes (Modular Ranking: 3)

Like the Colonial Modular Houses, Sears Kit Homes were delivered in “build-it-yourself” type sets. Ordered from a catalog, the home would appear at the delivery site where the new owner could assemble the house. However, Sears Kit Homes only garner a ranking of 3 because they couldn’t be united with other homes to make more complex structures, and their delivery in kits places them close to prefabrication rather than true modular building. These faults cause these gorgeous houses to fall well beneath the vanguard for modular building.

A grey-scale sketch with the title “five rooms Neat Porch” that shows a yard and curved walkway leading up to a house with an elegant, elevated front porch, chimney, and various windows running along its corrugated length. It sits in front of tall, bushy trees.

The Vanguard

To close out the blog, let’s take a quick look at the vanguard of modular building. In the 20th Century, modular science advanced in leaps and bounds as companies perfected the fundamentals of modern mass production: interchangeable parts and standardization. Modules were used in buildings during WWII, college dorms, fast food restaurants, and suburban housing. However, perhaps the most impressive leap took place with the advent of modular skyscrapers. All the predecessors on the list have led to this moment:

21st Century Skyscrapers (Modular Ranking: 10)

a ground-up, vertical view of a wide skyscraper with alternating blues window and grey columns that reaches high into a clear, light blue sky.

In 1852, an architect by the name of Burton proposed reformatting the Crystal Palace into a sky-scraper. He had recognized the potential of modular building for the rapid extension of buildings into the skyline.[1]

Burton’s proposal has now become a reality. Some modular skyscrapers include:

  1. In 1969, the Hilton Palacio del Rio had modular bedrooms installed onto the structure. The rooms included all the required wiring, plumbing, and other amenities.
  2. The 2017 Croydon Skyscraper in England was entirely built by modules that were delivered with wiring and plumbing
  3. The Mini Sky City (2015) in Central China boast of having built 3 stories per day on their 57-story skyscraper.
  4. The Clement Canopy building (2019) in Singapore has taken the record for highest modular skyscraper in the world at 459 feet, a height record that has changed hands 3 times in as many years, demonstrating the quick advance of the technology:

“Each module is around 85 per cent finished off-site, before then being assembled onsite,” Bouygues Bâtiment International’s head of modular construction Aurélie Cleraux told Dezeen.” This includes, for example, the painting, windows frame and glazing, doors, wardrobes and MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) including water and sanitary pipes, electrical conduits and ducting, which are all totally finished before the modules arrives on site.”

These towers, infinitely stackable, modular, and with prefabricated internal-complexity, garner a perfect 10 rating on our list.

Aries Building (Modular Ranking: 10)

Aries continues to be a leader for modular building and design:

When you need to move quickly, Aries modular construction takes approximately half the time as traditional construction, saving money by reducing the on-site timeline. Besides turnkey project completion, Aries also offers a wide range of purchase and lease options. Our in-house financing is secured well before your building is delivered: one less thing you need to worry about. Aries is the commercial design, manufacture, transportation, construction and financing partner you need to make every project a success. Contact us and let`s make history!

[1] Kihlstedt, F. (1984). The Crystal Palace. Scientific American,251(4), 132-143. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/24969462

A wide panoramic view of a large, flat plain, brown in the distance, but near is a line of green trees and grass, in front of which are a four-story building and four long rows of modular trailers, white and grey, with wooden stairs at the ends and center and a dirt parking lot with a handful of parked cars.

Historic Moments in Early Modular Building2024-11-12T21:21:25+00:00
3 01, 2020

2020 And Beyond: How Modular Building Is Shaping Our Future


Rendering of CitizenM Hotel: a grey rectangular cube-shaped building with rows and columns of large windows. Trees are in the foreground, and the hotel is set against a blue sky and other buildings

Modular construction is a process in which a building is constructed off-site in a factory-styled manufacturing facility. Businesses have understood the value of modular building for many years because of its cost savings, speed to market, and vast potential for various usage purposes. Thus far, developers have used modular for the construction of student housing projects, hotels, residential housing, healthcare offices, multifamily buildings, and more.

One signal that construction development is leaning towards modular construction is the development of a steel modular hotel in downtown Los Angeles. This is a ground-up, 11-story, 315-key modular hotel at 361 South Spring St. in downtown Los Angeles.

Though the modular construction industry has grown in recent years, it has yet to reach its full potential, experts say. Modular building will shape the future of building for three reasons: it’s eco-friendly, it solves complex problems, and it has many creative uses.

Modular building is green. One of the reasons that modular building is the future of building, in addition to being affordable, is because it’s good for the environment. Companies everywhere are turning to modular building because:

  • Efficiency and quality control: the bulk of fabrication and assembly takes place in a controlled setting, optimized for manufacturing, the process of design, manufacture, and construction are integrated for effective quality assurance
  • Reduction in material waste: cuts net waste, incident errors, and accidental damage
  • Reduction in life cycle energy and carbon: life cycle structure supports a long life cycle, energy and carbon cost of construction amortized over a longer period of time
  • Reduction in energy use for construction: factories are better able to control energy use and emissions than conventional construction
  • Reduction in transportation related impacts: cuts greenhouse emissions because there are fewer deliveries and fewer workers commuting
  • Reduction in operational impact (change): factory-made homes allow for tighter joints and seams, so portable buildings have more precise air barriers and installation of thermal insulation, the minimization of thermal bridging = more reliable thermal performance and conservation of energy
  • Support of adaptation reduce, reuse, recycle: modified structures are likely to be adapted or modified for a new use

Modular building solves complex problems. Recently in Austin, Texas, Mobile Loaves & Fishes used modular housing as an antidote to the city’s homelessness issue. Mobile Loaves and Fishes developed Community First! Village, a transformative residential program that seeks to serve those who have been living on the streets, while also empowering the surrounding community into a lifestyle of service with the homeless. Community First! Village is a 27-acre master planned community where more than 200 people who were once chronically homeless live in tiny homes and RVs. Everyone who lives at Community First! pays rent, ranging from $225 to $430 per month; many residents are employed on-site.

A wooden garden shed with orange doors and colorful tiles of green and turquoise, against patches of green grass and trees, on the grounds of Community First! Village.

Prefabricated housing is not just a solution to homelessness. Patrick Sisson, of curbed.com, reports that the United States is facing an affordable housing crisis, “Nearly two-thirds of renters nationwide say they can’t afford to buy a home, and saving for that down payment isn’t going to get easier anytime soon: Home prices are rising at twice the rate of wage growth.”  More and more, city planners and big businesses see modular construction as a solution to the affordable housing crisis as well.

Companies like Google and Microsoft are taking notice and providing a creative solution: modular building. Google reportedly spent $30 million for 300 modular homes in the San Francisco Bay area, and Microsoft is reportedly spending $0.5 billion for modular housing in the Seattle area. At a time when states like California and Washington are facing a severe housing crisis, labor shortages, and the high cost of traditional stick-built construction, modular construction is seen as a perfect alternative for creating more units that come to market faster. Millennials, and soon Gen Z, will more likely be buying these houses because they combine green design and eco-friendly building practices with affordability.

A crane lowers a modular home on top of the first floor of another modular home, other buildings in the background, and, in the far distance are the house-speckled hills of San Francisco.

The many creative uses of modular building

: In the foreground is a gray storage unit, on a patch of grass, surrounded by a fence; in the background is a large brown and red toned brick building with windows at the top.

Modular building is the future because, as mentioned above, it’s environmentally friendly and offers solutions to complex problems such as homelessness and affordable housing, but also because there are so many creative uses for prefabricated structures.

Here are some of the ways Aries uses modular building:

  1. Portable school classrooms: Schools that have too many students and not enough space, or are in the process of constructing more space can benefit from our portable classrooms that can be used as science labs, libraries, assembly halls, and modular cafeterias. This includes all schools from preschools all the way to community colleges!
  2. Mobile hospitals: Modular, portable infirmaries are beneficial, especially during critical conditions such as natural disasters and war. They can be used for any and every medical procedure, including triage, trauma, decontamination, general surgery, breast screening, pathology, and more.
  3. Workforce housing: Aries is a full-service provider of workforce housing.
  4. Mobile offices: A popular choice for construction crews who have tight deadlines and need to keep clear communication channels during a construction project.
  5. Temporary housing during disaster recovery: This type of housing helped so many people who lost their homes during Hurricane Harvey!

Here are some of the ways other people have creatively used modular building:

1.Tiny homes: With the rise of the new minimalist movement in architecture and interior design, in part popularized by Japanese organizing guru Marie Kendo, an increasing number of people have been using prefabricated structures as “tiny homes,” in order to save on money and space.

A gray, prefabricated tiny home on wheels on a concrete slab, with a hitch and several rectangular windows, a three-step staircase leading to the door, and green grass and trees in the background.

2. Man-cave/womb-room: For years, husbands and fathers have been using prefabricated structures as a place to drink beer, watch sports, or as the proverbial “doghouse.” Recently women and mothers have been using them as a space to drink chilled white wine or craft in order to escape the demands of wifedom/motherhood.

3. Artist studio/writing room: Are you tired of making a mess in your house every time you wish to pursue your favorite hobby? Do you need an art studio but can’t afford one? Do you need a quiet place to write that is close enough to home (like your backyard!) so that you can still be there when the kids need your help? Many artists and writers have found prefabricated storage containers as solutions to this problem.

An orange storage container full of art supplies, work tables, and fluorescent lighting

4. Playrooms. Some families have even found that prefabricated sheds make for great kids’ playrooms!

Have you found any creative uses for prefabricated buildings? If so, we’d love to hear your ideas, email us! Aries sells prefabricated office buildings to be used as construction offices, portable school classrooms, mobile hospitals, workforce housing at oil pipeline sites, storage containers, and for disaster recovery relief, but we’d love to help you buy one for any purpose at all!

About Aries – Aries offers full turnkey solutions with exceptional customer service and robust financing options. We pride ourselves on combining product quality, design expertise, technical and financial innovation, and strategy that has already established us a first choice to customers. Contact us today at 888-995-8560 to request a quote, or reach out to your local sales associate here.

2020 And Beyond: How Modular Building Is Shaping Our Future2020-01-03T01:01:31+00:00
26 12, 2019

Boost Morale with Multi-Purpose Construction Site Offices & Break Rooms


Three construction crew members stand in front of yellow scaffolding against grey building, they are looking up, likely at a building in progress. A woman in the middle wears a yellow safety vest and a blue hard hat, her hand is tilted in front of her, as though she is directing the two men standing to either side (both wearing yellow safety vests and yellow hard hats) what to see on the project in question.

Multi-Purpose Use for Construction Site Office: Employee Break Rooms Boost Company Morale

“The Entrepreneur: Part 1”

You’ve come a long way in your life. You’ve always wanted to run a construction company. Your journey in becoming a self-sustaining entrepreneur has been full of moments of growth, both good and bad. Like the time you accidentally trusted the wrong person with an investment, or the time you called your best friend and told him that you were going to give up and join the rat race. “No,” he told you, “I believe in you!” And you kept going. In the beginning, you went to management retreats and seminars where you learned about leadership styles. You wanted to be a transformational leader, a leader that inspires their staff through effective communication and by creating an environment of creative stimulation. You were also inspired by the idea of servant leaders and democratic leaders—leaders that prefer power-sharing models of authority and value listening to their employees. You wanted to, when you had built a solid team, prioritize the needs of your team members and encourage collective decision-making.

Congratulations! You’ve run your own company for many years and feel equipped to troubleshoot any problems that arise on a construction site during a project.

Construction site problems

Construction sites share many similarities with other businesses when it comes to job-related issues: lack of communication, lack of organization, interpersonal issues, and lack of motivation. Construction sites, however, are very different from most work spaces. Construction sites are dangerous. There are heavy power tools and equipment that construction workers have to contend with. Construction workers are also exposed to other dangers, such as overexertion, slips and falls, molds/contaminants/chemicals, respiratory hazards from wood dust, scaffold collapse, electrical shock, exposure to loud noise, and extended days. Construction work is outside, and, although this is probably why people want to go into construction in the first place, construction workers are always at the mercy of the seasons and the weather. They can face extreme heat, heavy wind, thunderstorms, sleet, hail, and snow. The list of hazards on a construction site can seem endless!

A rectangular sign printed in all caps that reads, “DANGER CONSTRUCTION SITE DO NOT ENTER.” The letters of the word danger are white and encircled by a red oval. The red oval is surrounded by a black rectangle. The words CONSTRUCTION SITE DO NOT ENTER are printed in all black. The background is white, and there is a small black border outlining the edge of the whole sign.

Because of these specific working conditions, construction workers suffer from work-related issues that many office employees do not. In her article on Harvard School of Public Health’s website, “Construction workers struggle with pain and stress from work injuries,” Marge Dwyer claims that construction workers can suffer from work-related injuries and “often fail to seek help, putting themselves at risk for more injuries and mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and even suicide, according to a new study by researchers at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH).” She reports that, according to 2012 studies conducted by HSPH, 40% of workers over the age of 50 suffer from chronic back pain, and that injured workers were 45% MORE likely to be diagnosed with depression than non-injured workers. A 2012 study also revealed that many of the construction workers they interviewed exhibited symptoms that mirror depression, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety. In fact, Dwyer reports, “20 percent of the distressed workers showed clinical signs of suicide risk.” Dwyer says the reason that construction workers fail to seek professional help for their mental health issues is because of the perceived stigma amongst their fellow employees or lack of affordable treatment options.

“The Entrepreneur: Part 2” 

It’s the middle of August in Texas. You feel like there’s been a slump in company morale. You noticed it around the time Jerry got hurt back in May. He was involved in a trench collapse after a night of heavy spring rains, typical Texas weather. The moisture content changed the soil, and, overnight, the soil had become unstable. Jerry was in the trench installing an irrigation pipe when it happened. It took four fire trucks worth of firefighters to get him out. Seeing as how trench collapse is the number one cause of death for construction workers, you, Jerry, and the crew are just so happy that he made it out alive. That said, after he went to the hospital, he learned that he sustained a spinal cord injury and a few broken bones. Afterwards, you notice that Antonio, who normally inspects the trenches, seems disconnected and has stopped looking you in the eye. You’re concerned that he blames himself for what happened with Jerry. You’re worried that the rest of your team feels less safe at work, and this is all making them more anxious. Everyone seems tired. Y’all are in the middle of an epic Texas heatwave; it’s been over 100 degrees for the last 30 days. You are at a loss as to how to build your team back up.

The solution? A mobile construction office repurposed as an employee break room.

Mobile construction offices and break rooms

 Inside one of Aries’ mobile construction offices, a small room with white walls, there are two black tables, a white table, a black office chair, a filing cabinet, a window, and a first aid kit.

Construction offices have already been proven to solve a number of construction site-related issues. They enable construction site managers, engineers, contractors, clients, and surveyors the ability to meet in a quiet, clean, and organized space. Close to the action, onsite construction offices establish effective communication between administration and workers, which, in turn, helps with the ever-present, all-consuming pressure that exists on all construction sites: deadlines. But what if construction offices could also be used as employee break areas?

Almost all office workers understand the benefits of the breakroom. They serve as common areas where people can eat, unwind, and connect. If there is complimentary coffee or fresh fruit, employees feel appreciated. When employees feel appreciated, they are likely to have more positive attitudes; which in turn can translate into high productivity.

A man with a yellow hard hat and wearing a green, brown, and white plaid, flannel shirt is holding rolled-up paper, likely building plans, in one hand, and in the other he is holding and kissing a toddler wearing a navy colored top with strawberry blonde shoulder length hair and bangs.

Construction offices that have employee break rooms also solve many of the job specific issues that construction workers face. They can escape the hot summer or cold winter, even if only for their lunch hour in an air conditioned or heated modular space. Break rooms can even help with the more complex issues that plague construction workers: anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The National Alliance on Mental Illnesses reports that the feeling that comes from belonging to a community can improve people’s mental health. What better way to build community than in a space where employees can bond than inside a portable modular break room? As employees get cool and sit together eating their ham sandwiches, they begin to talk to each other more. The  sense of support they feel from their team, their community, also contributes to a boost in morale.

Aries Portable Buildings

Luckily, Aries has a vast inventory of prefabricated buildings in various sizes and prices that would work as construction offices or employee break areas or double as both. Here is our popular 54 x 24, 1536 square foot office space:

A white, modular building with two doors, one with a short staircase leading to it, one with a wheelchair-accessible ramp. The building also has four windows. In the foreground is a gray sidewalk and a gray street and some patches of grass, and in the background is a cloudy sky and trees full of green leaves.

Even our 150 square foot would work as a mobile office or break area. If you can fit a table, some chairs, a coffee pot, and a box of a dozen donuts, you can have a meeting or a break! See below:

A grey, modular construction office exterior, with a window with bars over it, a sign that depicts a video camera on it and reads in all caps, “Notice: This area is under 24 hour video surveillance,” against the background of a blue sky, clouds, green grass, a utility pole, and a powerline.

Please see our inventory list for more pictures, floor plans, and square footage.

About Aries – Aries offers full turnkey solutions with exceptional customer service and robust financing options. We pride ourselves on combining product quality, design expertise, technical and financial innovation, and strategy which has already established us a first choice for our customers. Contact us today at 888-995-8560 to request a quote, or reach out to your local sales associate here.

Boost Morale with Multi-Purpose Construction Site Offices & Break Rooms2024-11-13T19:01:15+00:00
5 12, 2019

Modular Building Leader Aries Also Provides Top Tier Workforce Housing


A hovering view of a workforce housing camp from Aries, with a Texas, American, and Aries flag flowing in the breeze.

Mobile offices. Ground level offices. Classrooms. Storage Containers. Over the years, Aries has solidified themselves as an award-winning modular building manufacturer. But that’s only half the story and half of the specialization. The other half is providing high-quality, affordable workforce housing in Texas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and Canada!

Project managers need look no further than the all-inclusive camps operated and leased by Aries. From north to south, from the Athabasca oil sands to the Permian Basin, your company won’t have to sacrifice comfort for cost when they’re staying in our well-appointed VIP or Jack-and-Jill style rooms. We provide those little extra touches that put you at ease after a hard day’s work; satellite TV in every room, sumptuous furniture, flat-screen televisions, regular housekeeping, and on-site laundry.

In many of our workforce housing camps, we also provide recreational areas, including game rooms, billiards, gyms, theatre rooms, and more, depending on the site. Certain locations also have a common dining hall where workers can come together for hot meals several times a day at no additional charge.

When a company truly cares about your experience, it shows through high standards of cleanliness, comfort, and convenience. These factors work together to make the camp feel like a place of relaxation, which is exactly what is needed after a long day of work.

How does a nourishing meal, clean linens, and a 24/7 service and security staff sound after one of those workdays? Your workforce camp management should provide these services with a smile.

The brightly lit interior of one of our lodges, showing luxurious bedding and fresh linens.

Benefits of nearby, quality workforce housing for profits

The benefits of having quality workforce housing camps near the wellhead are not to be understated. When producers are looking to capitalize on every advantage they can, the first place they should start is with their employees.

Choosing to work with nearby workforce housing providers, will, in turn, help save money on transportation costs to and from the work site. Putting up their employees in nearby housing is critical for companies in industries such as offshore drilling – industries that require extended periods of work away from home.  In addressing workforce housing, companies must factor in transportation and lodging costs for the whole crew. The fees add up quickly, often putting companies under a huge financial burden.

Remote housing close to the work site is also highly beneficial because it gives workers time back to allow for rest and recuperation. If after a 12-hour workday, workers must endure an hour-long drive to a hotel, fatigue is likely to set in and workers may have to sacrifice sleep.


Man camp 101

Aries offers workforce housing for all seasons

Aries builds modular workforce housing accommodations for even the most extreme conditions. We pride ourselves on being flexible, adaptable, and forward-thinking when it comes to taking on new challenges in the construction market. Read on to learn how we have outfitted our various locations to withstand the elements, no matter what they may be.


Hot/arid climates

Aries has produced and provided workforce housing accommodations in hot and arid climates such as our Three Rivers camp in southern Texas. With top of the line A/C systems and plenty of areas for rest and relaxation, Aries helps you beat the heat when you’re off the clock!


Cold/frozen climates

Aries also offers cold weather camps for our locations in North Dakota and beyond. Fully heated rooms and energy efficient layouts help keep you dry and comfortable while you’re on location for a job!

Oil drilling

Oil drilling camps provide their own unique set of challenges when it comes to modular building. The often-remote locations require a larger variety of on-site amenities – including full kitchens, laundry facilities, gyms, and more – to keep the camp running smoothly.

About Aries Building Systems –Aries is owned by Reliant Asset Management, a leading specialty rental company providing premier modular space solutions to customers throughout North America. From remote workforce housing to single and multi-story buildings for growing businesses and organizations, Reliant Asset Management and its subsidiaries support a wide range of modular needs including design, manufacturing, transportation, construction, and financing. Aries doesn’t just PROVIDE extended stay modular accommodations; Aries MAKES modular buildings… and provides everything from A-Z when it comes to modular solutions. Contact us today at (888) 995-8560 or reach out to a sales associate here.

Modular Building Leader Aries Also Provides Top Tier Workforce Housing2019-12-05T00:58:04+00:00
27 11, 2019

An Aries Job is The Best Modular Building Job


A picture collage of various scenes of happy Aries team members with the words “Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life” and the official Aries ram head logo to the left of the montage.

The world is full of jobs in the modular building industry, but which are the best companies to work for? For that matter, which are the best companies to work for, period? There are many ways to determine what constitutes a great workplace environment, and here are a few touchstones by which a healthy company culture can be measured:

  1. Authenticity: An authentic team is an original team, and customers love originality. Dr. Nina Burrowes, author of The Little Book on Authenticity says “True authenticity doesn’t require you to tell anyone else what your values are, because everyone will be able to see your values in the way you live your life. When you are fully authentic you don’t reveal your chosen values, you become them – you live them.” This concept becomes very powerful in the workplace… it’s the spark that creates synergy within a team.

Along with authenticity comes honesty. If a team is not honest within themselves, how does this translate to the consumer of their goods and services? It doesn’t. When trust is broken, it can rarely be gained back. Great company cultures always maintain a level of transparency, regardless of how difficult that is. Authenticity, honesty, and transparency are all signs of a company with high integrity.

  1. Health: Mental and physical health are valued. Let’s face it – when we’re taking our last breath, the likelihood of us saying, “I wish I would’ve pushed myself harder to work more hours at my job” is unlikely. Great employers understand that what brings us to work every day is the paycheck, but what keeps us coming back is feeling valued. One of the most proactive actions a company can take is to make sure their people are feeling mentally and physically fit. This can best be seen when providing employees with great health insurance, mental health days, team building retreats, and good old-fashioned respect and space when a coworker needs some time off to get well. Health is wealth, and a company that recognizes this fact is rich.

A closeup shot of a whiteboard with the words ‘7 WEEK FITNESS WITH ARIES” written up at the top, followed by a weekly workout schedule suggested by the folks at Aries.

3. Optimism & humor: A collective positive attitude keeps things in perspective. Laughter is the best medicine! It produces endorphins, a natural antidepressant for human beings.

Barbara Plester, Ph.D., a senior lecturer in the School of Business and Economics at the

University of Auckland in New Zealand and author of Laugh Out Loud: A User’s Guide to

Workplace Humor, tells Thrive Global in a recent article, “With stress and burnout at

peak levels across corporate America, humor might be the underutilized resource we

need at work …humor can also create bonding and camaraderie and break the ice

between people.”

In addition to creating a happier work atmosphere, humor can bring other benefits that can directly affect the bottom line. As author/entrepreneur Peter Sims stated in his book Little Bets, “A playful, lighthearted, and humorous environment is especially helpful when ideas are incubating and newly hatched, the phase when they are most vulnerable to being snuffed out or even not expressed because of being judged or self-censored.”

4 golfers gathered on a golf course on a warm sunny day around a knee-level sign that reads “This hole sponsored by Aries.”

Bronze sponsor Aries enjoying their time at the Socorro ISD Foundation for Excellence in Education Golf Tournament benefiting their scholarship program.

People thrive in a positive environment, and when challenges arise (as they inevitably will) the collective team attitude is what will carry a team through. Or not.

4. Mission: A decisive vision unites. One of the biggest obstacles that society faces is our inability to choose from the multitude of options presented to us every minute of the day. It’s hard enough being a consumer trudging through oodles and oodles of product and service offerings. Thus, the company’s ability to set forth on a clear, concise path is so important. If a business has no roadmap, how will they lead their customers down the right path?

In the Forbes article The Importance of Having a Mission-Driven Company, entrepreneur/journalist William Craig explains how high-performance organizations are linked to being mission-driven companies. Mission statements must reflect commitment to higher social good for the community they serve, both local and global. Authenticity and transparency build trust.

Trustworthy organizations are 2.5 times more likely to function as a high-performance organization with revenue growth than lower performance organizations. Eighty-one percent of those working for companies with a strong mission stated their stakeholders hold trust for their leadership team, whereas that number was 54 percent for organizations without a strong mission.

“Besides keeping everyone on the same page, a strong team mission ensures alignment across our entire company. We operate within two distinct sectors of the modular building industry; the workforce housing side and full turnkey modular building. A defined approach to all we do unites and complements both sides to the greatest degree possible,” says Katie Roman, Vice President of Sales and Marketing – Workforce Housing at Aries.

A picture collage of various scenes of happy Aries team members with the words “Happiness comes when your work and your words are of benefit to others” and the official Aries ram head logo to the left of the montage.

5. Friendship: The best teams are made up of people who like each other. In a recent article by Software Engineer and Lecturer Tiago Boldt Sousa, he explains the value of company events and retreats. “The important part about doing this is to emphasize and practice the idea that everyone’s voice matters in the company. We’ve gathered an excellent team of brilliant, capable, highly qualified people. Every single person on our team is an invaluable and irreplaceable asset to our company. And we will be most successful if every single one of them is engaged and vocal about company direction.” He goes on to cite a study by The University of Warwick which found that employees that are happier are up to 20% more productive.

Most would agree that truly enjoying the company of your work associates is like a cherry on top of the sundae of life. When employees forge authentic friendships, they have an additional motivation to perform well and empower each other. The inner-drive to make a deadline to help your friend is stronger than delivering an assignment to help a boss you don’t particularly care for. Healthy competition can exist in place of a negative cut-throat atmosphere. Empathy and kindness prevail when team members encounter life challenges such as sickness, personal tragedy, and accidents. People don’t mind going the extra mile for those they sincerely like.

“I must admit,” says Katie Roman, “Sometimes I wake up excited. Literally excited. I’m working a job that I enjoy with people I like spending time with, and a company that brings space solutions to the world. Our mission solves problems and brings people peace of mind. How can I not love my job?!”

Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.

About AriesAries offers full turnkey solutions with exceptional customer service and robust financing options. We pride ourselves on combining product quality, design expertise, technical and financial innovation and strategy that has already established us a first choice to customers. Contact us today at 888-995-8560 or reach out to your local sales associate here.

An Aries Job is The Best Modular Building Job2025-02-08T01:02:28+00:00
4 11, 2019

Construction Office Trailers, Large & Small!


A bird’s eye view of three workers with their hands on a cluttered wooden table with a blueprint spread out under their hands and several rolled up scrolls, a blue hard-hat, and a laptop computer also displayed. Beneath them all is a checkered green rug.

Oftentimes, a good workspace can be the difference between meetings that work… and those that don’t.  Today’s prefab offices are versatile and come with an assortment of interior options. No matter the job, big or small, these mobile offices become the central hub of operations for engineers, managers, workers, and clients to meet.

Construction sites

Having a portable office while building commercial facilities, medical clinics, shopping centers, or educational buildings makes private, comfortable, and secure meetings a reality on construction sites. In the ever-changing world of construction projects, everything from flash-meetings to scheduled appointments with regional managers can be handled by Aries’ versatile construction office trailers that give engineers a chance to do their best work or for agents to wine and dine clients in spaces that inspire confidence and tranquility.

Small and large projects

For small projects, worker engagement improves as managers and workers come together in climate-controlled environments for a meeting, lunch, or to share a cup of coffee.

For larger projects, an interconnected system of modular offices can include ample conference rooms with Wi-Fi-connectivity and projectors. This enables on-site managers to efficiently conduct online meetings with anyone in their company.

Long-term projects or remote living during construction

Today’s prefab offices can include a wide array of amenities designed for long-term projects or remote living. These include showers, locker rooms, bathrooms, living spaces, and cafeterias. Aries even offers staffed living spaces that include a restaurant and security staff.

Clients and on-site offices

For many construction companies, workspaces double as presentation rooms and clients’ perception of the business can be shaped by their experience in the on-site meeting rooms. Take, for example, the fashionable realtor offices where agents sit down for coffee with clients on-site as they review contracts or real estate offers.

An office with wide windows and a large flat-screen TV, a man in a grey button up shirt with a tie and blue jacket shakes the hand of a woman with black glasses, a white blouse and curly hair as three other people dressed professionally look on.

Best of all, prefab construction offices can be transferred around from project to project and their set up is minimally invasive without sacrificing on quality.

For these reasons, among others, mobile office trailers on construction sites continue to be in high demand. Aries works hard to make these meeting rooms better and better so these, in turn, can impact key indicators like turnover, productivity, sales, and safety.

About Aries Building Systems. –Aries is owned by Reliant Asset Management, a leading specialty rental company providing premier modular space solutions to customers throughout North America. From remote workforce housing to single and multi-story buildings for growing businesses and organizations, Reliant Asset Management and its subsidiaries support a wide range of modular needs including design, manufacturing, transportation, construction, and financing. Aries doesn’t just PROVIDE extended stay modular accommodations; Aries MAKES modular buildings… and provides everything from A-Z when it comes to modular solutions. Contact us today at (888) 995-8560 or reach out to a sales associate here.

Construction Office Trailers, Large & Small!2019-11-04T20:28:17+00:00
18 10, 2019

Portable Offices and Modular Buildings for Government


This image depicts one of Aries modular buildings serving as temporary office space on a grassy field near a government building

Aries Buildings recognizes the government’s need for portable, secure, and weatherproof on-site office solutions. We frequently work with and provide government agencies/institutions with buildings to meet their storage and mobile office needs – for lease or purchase.

For more than 17 years, Aries is proud to be a General Services Administration (GSA)-approved vendor for modular buildings for more than 17 years. Over that time, we’ve shown them what to expect – cost-effective buildings that are delivered and picked up quickly, with an extra focus on great customer service. We are fully capable of meeting the stringent budget and time-sensitive needs of different branches of government agencies who are looking to expand utilizing GSA-approved modular buildings.

[View contracts]

(Modular Office Space image and link) (Storage Containers) (Office Complexes) (Living Quarters)

Aries Buildings has provided hundreds of thousands of square feet of building space to government and military agencies. Our team has rare experience and a scope of knowledge that makes them greatly suited to serving government building needs and specifications.

As a vendor for multiple purchasing cooperatives, Aries puts out bids to work with members and provide them with any modular building needs they may have. It allows members direct access to our products without having to jump through hoops.

Building a government facility means adhering to rigid requirements and specifications. Our expertise in local, state, regional, and national/federal facilities ensures we provide top quality modular buildings for a variety of projects, no matter where you’re located. We also make it convenient by handling delivery, installation, and pick up of your portable office or modular building, so all you need to do is give us a call or request a quote.

Our buildings adhere to state and national building, mechanical, and electrical codes.

This image depicts a ground-level office housed in a converted storage container for a smaller, more compact on-site office solution.

Benefits of modular buildings for government agencies

Temporary or permanent modular construction significantly reduces the costs and time required in the fast-paced world of government agencies or municipal governments. The nature of modular buildings allows them to be customized to suit the specific needs of our customers. Our off-site manufacturing is devoid of the typical on-site delays in building development such as hazardous weather, which results in a predictable on-time delivery date for rigorous government projects. Our units have also been proven to be as durable as traditionally-built construction and is designed to withstand heavy, daily use.


Modular buildings can be used by governments in the following areas:

  • Federal government
  • EMS
  • State government
  • Emergency management
  • Local government
  • Parks and recreation
  • Military
  • DOT
  • Police and fire departments
  • Corrections
  • Education
  • Medical / Lab

Disaster relief

Navigating the chaos of disaster relief and recovery can strain the capacity of relief organizations. With the help of modular buildings and modular solutions, Aries can provide essential help in emergency situations.

The role of modular buildings for disaster relief efforts is a large one. Immediate solutions are what is needed, and portable buildings are a quick answer to the call for help. It’s important to remember that modular building companies aren’t always able to provide the “full scope” of services like Aries Buildings is capable of providing. Besides having the ability to finance, develop, design, and manufacture modular buildings, Aries offers every option possible in the face of emergency housing or building needs. We can also provide emergency assistance on a larger scale, e.g., delivering a structure to serve as a temporary schoolhouse or medical facility.

Our buildings can be used for the following disaster relief applications:

  • Storage containers for weather-tight, safe and secure storage of emergency equipment and supplies


The inherent quality of project customization associated with modular building makes Aries Buildings the ideal choice for the ever-changing needs of military agencies. From military headquarters to soldiers’ barracks, Aries will tailor any project to encompass the individual needs of any facility. Because our off-site manufacturing strictly oversees all standard building codes and regulations, you can trust that your facility will be safe, efficient, and reliable.

Government contracting procedures are rigorous and the needs of our governmental clients for fast, high-quality building space are demanding. Our project managers have years of experience in the design, project management, and manufacturing of buildings for the federal government, both inside and outside the continental United States. We understand the uniqueness of the government purchasing system and Federal Acquisition Regulations and are experts in the strict standards and complexities of codes and regulations that accompany government buildings.

The following official company logos under the words “Aries, Total Provider of Modular Solutions” – TIPS, GSA, Region5, Modular Building Institute, Choice Partners, Buy Board, ICC, and HGAC Buy.

About Aries – Do YOU need a modular unit for your business or administration? Aries offers full turnkey solutions with exceptional customer service and robust financing options. We pride ourselves on combining product quality, design expertise, technical and financial innovation and strategy that has already established us a first choice to customers. Contact us today at 888-995-8560 or reach out to your local sales associate here.

Portable Offices and Modular Buildings for Government2019-10-18T16:42:20+00:00
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