Ten Article Picks about Schools and COVID-19
As the school year has come to a close, school administrators, teachers, and parents are finding that there is little to no information regarding what school will look like come the fall of 2020. We’ve decided to compile a list of articles and links to make it easier for those of you seeking information about the possible classroom social distancing guidelines, etc., for next year’s school year.
- Between 0 and 100%: Texas schools weigh the odds of students returning this fall. A journalistic piece in the Texas Tribune that presents the possibilities that schools are weighing: year-round-school, staggered schedules, online learning, and more.
- TEA COVID-19 Health Resources or TEA COVID-19 Support and Guidance. Both links are to the Texas Education Agency. The first gives information outlining the public health situation that COVID-19 potentially presents in school settings and social distancing and other health guidelines. The second provides more specific details about the flow of information from the governor to the school districts about the 2020-2021 school year.
- Coronavirus technical guidance for schools, workplaces, and institutions. An important page on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website that provides information about the prevention and control of COVD-19 in schools.
- Getting your school ready. A PDF booklet created by the WHO with key messages, actions, and checklists for each age group.
- COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Return to in-person education schools. Here, the American Academy of Pediatrics provides extensive information about what schools should take into consideration when they reopen, including physical health, mental health, nutrition, special populations, and more.
- Schools reopening has not triggered rise in COVID-19 cases, EU ministers told. A journalistic piece in the Guardian that reports that the French education minister says it’s more dangerous to keep children at home, rather than going back to school.
- How feasible are school reopening plans for the fall? Education Dive explores the feasibility of the many plans and ideas for schools reopening.
- When will schools reopen? As part of The Cut series in the New York Magazine, this piece discusses the nuanced issues with schools reopening, and it also provides links to other sources about this matter.

Although there is a lot of news about what a school reopen might look like, and there are lots of helpful guidelines, there aren’t, so far, any specific lists of proven viable solutions. We here at Aries thought we would feature what we can do to help school districts and administrations with a solution to this issue.
Portable educational buildings have long been the answer to the problem of overcrowded classrooms. Aries now sees portable educational buildings as the perfect solution for schools to practice the safe and healthy guidelines recommended by the CDC. Aries is here for you during this time. We can meet all of your portable classroom needs and offer speedy delivery. You can option to move offices or nurse’s rooms outside, with our one- or two-office floor plans. You can choose various modular classrooms from our several one-classroom floor plans. We also have four classroom buildings, six classroom buildings, and extended double and multi-unit portables, should you plan to move several classrooms outside the main building.
For more examples of floor plans of our prefabricated classrooms, please visit our space solutions for social distancing page.

Aries is owned by Reliant Asset Management, a leading specialty rental company providing premier modular space solutions to customers throughout North America. From remote workforce housing to single and multi-story buildings for growing businesses and organizations, Reliant Asset Management and its subsidiaries support a wide range of modular needs including design, manufacturing, transportation, construction, and financing. Aries doesn’t just PROVIDE extended stay modular accommodations, Aries MAKES modular buildings…and provides everything from A-Z when it comes to modular solutions.
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