It all comes down to process. For modular buildings they are able to become a more practical, environmentally friendly, and efficient alternative to traditional construction because they consider how to increase productivity every step of the way and provide a fully constructed building upon delivery. The question is, how in the world does Aries Building Systems achieve such a delivery?

The Prep

Before delivery even begins, there is a substantial amount of prep work done in order to ensure that not only the delivery, but installation upon arrival is possible. When selecting the location where the modular building will be placed our clients and us consider grade, soil, proximity to water and sewer lines, existing structure, etc. in order to ensure that the building can be safely delivered and installed. Once the location is approved, a site crew can begin to prepare the site for the delivery. This preparation can include foundation work, utilities, walkways and many other critical components to a successful delivery.

The Delivery

Modular buildings are built to withstand the rigors of transportation and craning onto foundations but that doesn’t make the process any less impressive. The buildings are built with what are called pick points where the panel or module can be lifted by crane onto trucks designed specifically to tow them. The crane may vary depending on the building but the most common is a hydraulic crane; crawler cranes or tower cranes are also used in certain circumstances. Once loaded onto the truck the building makes its very slow journey to the site.

During transport, these trucks typically are accompanied by escorts because of the vast size of the units (often taking up more than one lane) and because they often drive below the speed limit to ensure the building does not become damaged. This entire process not only requires the coordination between Aries and our clients but also state governments. Each state has differing permits, codes, lead cars, and fees required for such a delivery which means the delivery for a used building may change slightly on a case by case basis. Once arrival at the site, another crane is used to lift the building off the truck and onto the foundation. At this point external connections such as water, alarm systems and data lines can be made to the building.

The Advantage

So in this complicated waltz, what makes it worthwhile? Simply, time and money. While this individual step may seem more complex than the delivery of materials to a traditional construction site, the time saved by building off-site and delivering the completed building can cut a projects time in half. Aries Building Systems’s process creates an efficiency designed to save you money in the long run and have a building delivered, ready for use after just a few easy steps.

Check out Aries Building Systems newly designed used inventory! Or give us a call at 703-570-5493.