A photograph of a depressed worker with their head down on a desk, an open laptop is covering their head, and holding a flag-like sign that reads, “HELP!”

Joe goes to work every day and does his tasks religiously. He may have been doing this for the past couple of years now. But this does not mean that Joe is happy with what he is doing. Joe hates his job. Why? Let’s explore reasons you hate (or love!) your job and can relate to Joe.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that 4.5 million workers quit their jobs in March 2022. The overall quit rate grew to 3%, a level not seen since December 2021. The number of quits rose significantly in the professional and business services sector and in construction. But wait, there’s more.

The Pew Research Center has new survey findings on the top reasons Americans quit their jobs in 2021. Most workers who left a job expressed discontent with low pay (63%), feeling disrespected at work (57%), or not having good benefits such as health insurance and paid time off (43%). With the added strain of the pandemic, we somehow feel Joe’s sentiment — struggling to have the motivation to go to work and dreading the next day of anxieties to come. Before handing over that resignation letter, we have rounded up the primary reasons and tips that will help you deep-dive into why you hate your job.

A graphic of a professional wearing a suit facing an exit doorway with yellow light shining out.

Low pay? No way!

This dilemma will drive you nuts if you live from paycheck to paycheck. However, you cannot quit without savings to cover the days you need to pay your bills and other obligations.

Our tip: A heart-to-heart talk with your supervisor wouldn’t hurt. Emphasize your good performance and how much value you have added to the company throughout your stay with them. Great companies will consider your salary concerns.

Have you figured out if you hate or love your job yet? Let us continue.

I am just an employee number standing in front of my supervisor, asking them to hear me out!

Feeling voiceless at work can cause you to feel helpless and disconnected from your company. It can also lead to less motivation to accomplish your tasks.

Our tip: By working with your supervisor about the matter, provide concrete examples of times you exceeded expectations and did something great for the company that went unrecognized.

It is hard to change your company’s core values, but there are things you can switch on your end. Seek help to investigate if you can get transferred to a different team. If that is not possible, try to insert your influence your workplace culture incorporating some of your character traits and work preferences. Developing genuine connections with your coworkers can make work feel more meaningful and fun. It also gives you something to look forward to every day, even if you dread the actual work.

Do you hate or love your job? Let’s explore further.

Not-so-enticing benefits and paid time off!

The health insurance or leaves are not enough to cover the stress you are encountering with the low pay and existential dread in the workplace.

Our tip: Maybe it is time to check your health insurance if there are other perks you did not know you had in the first place. Some health insurance covers services like massage or acupuncture. It might offer complimentary gym memberships that you have always wanted to initiate. Make sure you find out what is on offer and prioritize using them to your advantage.

Your workplace is responsible for creating a setting and culture ideal for achieving satisfaction at work. But in the end, your happiness at work solely depends on you and you alone. It is essential to find a workplace that will invest in the well-being of its employees and create an ideal work environment in which employees can grow and be appreciated.

Here at Aries, we’re on a pursuit to show the world a better way to come up with workplace solutions. We are always scouting for champions. Life at Aries is fast-moving yet well-adjusted. From consistent teamwork to the sense that everyone has each other’s back, you will undoubtedly make a difference at Aries. The same spirit drives us to enhance how the world builds.

Aries continues to grow due to our experienced team and stable funding. We offer a casual and vibrant work setting with a competitive salary, significant medical, dental, and vision benefits, and a 401k plus vacation and sick days.

A photograph of a group of diverse workers sitting at a long table smiling at the camera and showing teamwork at the workplace. On top of the image are words that read, “Is a career at Aries right for me? Take our career quiz! Apply now” as the links on that webpage.

As an Aries’ team member, you are encouraged to aim for greatness. We are committed to providing you with the outlet to boost your goals and achieve your career initiatives. Our emphasis is on development, and we believe you remain at the center of our progress. After all, happy employees equal pleased customers.

Lastly, we are honored to have first-rate leaders on our team who know how to bring out the capabilities of their team members. Our incredible success and growth are a direct result of the company’s family atmosphere. We are not just a workplace, but your home away from home.

A wise human being once said, don’t fear the unknown. Be more concerned about never knowing what is ahead. Take that leap of faith and take our 1-minute “fun quiz!” You might just land your dream job.

Interested? Head on to our careers page or Indeed!

About ARIES 

Aries is a leading provider of modular buildings, creating innovative space solutions to meet the expansion needs of clients in a diverse group of industries throughout the United States and Canada. We derive immense dignity and pride in our proficient team of engineering, manufacturing, facility management, and sales professionals that have already set us as the top choice to customers.

Check our website at www.ariesbuildings.com or call us at 1-888-598-8869.