Myth 1 — Modular buildings are ugly, gray, square boxes
Quite the opposite actually. Perhaps modular buildings used to be “ugly” (and ugly is subjective anyway). Forward-thinking architects have moved more towards modular building design due to their affordability and sustainability. Also, the sleek geometric lines and simplicity of style have come to represent sophistication but also an artistically stylized expression of contemporary architecture. To date, there are modular hotels, barns, and emergency rooms. There’s even a contemporary music venue made out of modular buildings in Switzerland, designed by Savioz Fabrizzi Architectes.

Myth 2 — Modular means temporary
While it’s true to say that some modular buildings are specifically temporary solutions, Aries Buildings sells modular buildings that have been constructed according to permanent building standards. The working lifespan (under current building guidelines) is between 60 and 100 years. Temporary modular structures are best for quick set-up and tear down, and they work well in situations when people need a quick housing solution, for example during disaster relief. Permanent structures are durable and can be built with concrete floors, a roof canopy, and other more permanent amenities.
Myth 3 — Modular buildings have bouncy floors
When I was in high school, we didn’t call them modular classrooms, we called them portable buildings (“portables”). I vividly remember walking into my physics’ portable every morning and feeling like I had just entered a bouncy castle. During class, I was mesmerized by Dr. Meyers, who seemingly floated around the room while giving his impossible-to-understand lectures. Well, not anymore. Our inventory (including classrooms!) offers solid floors and we ensure that you can avoid floor vibration.

Myth 4 — Modular is a cheap, and therefore a sub-par solution
Modular construction is more cost-effective than on-site construction, that’s one of the reasons it’s so popular. With Aries, it’s also less expensive than the alternative. Does that mean it’s cheap? Of course not! We all know that inexpensive and cheap are two completely different things. Aries offers affordable modular solutions, while at the same time we strive to maintain sound design and quality construction for a long-lasting and comfortable home, office, classroom, et al.
Myth 5 — Modular buildings are cold in winter, overly hot in summer
Quality insulation is key to ensuring a comfortable internal environment, whether it’s hot or cold. As a Texas-based company, Aries understands the necessity of top-quality insulation to keep the cold air flowing inside during our hot summers. Additionally, after the freeze this past February, we now understand how quality insulation can be lifesaving, especially if it is 9 degrees and you lost your power for 5 days! That is why we offer modular buildings with premium insulation.

According to Forbes Magazine, modular homes and buildings are the future of architecture, and we are on board! Aries is your choice for high quality, commercially designed modular buildings. We specialize in supplying classrooms, offices, storage containers, and remote workforce housing to a wide range of industries and applications across the United States and Canada.
About Aries
We take great pride in our experienced team of engineering, manufacturing, facility management, and sales professionals. Our management team remains involved in all phases of our projects to build strong partnerships with our clients and to focus on each client’s individual and evolving needs. At Aries we are committed to 1) the most innovative design in the modular construction industry, and 2) providing our customers with the most cost-effective solutions. Aries offers fast delivery on emergency response buildings and space solutions to implement social distancing. Call us today! 1-888-598-8869